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public function PatternsShortcutTestCase::test_shortcut in Patterns 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 tests/shortcut/shortcut.test \PatternsShortcutTestCase::test_shortcut()

Test the:

  • add a new set 'new_set_fortest'
  • add a new shortcut link to the new set 'new_set_fortest' which add before
  • edit the link, which add before
  • switch set for user
  • delete the link, which just edit
  • change the set "new_set_fortest" name to "newer_set_fortest"
  • delete the set "newer_set_fortest"


tests/shortcut/shortcut.test, line 77
SimpleTests for the Shortcut component of Patterns.


@file SimpleTests for the Shortcut component of Patterns.


public function test_shortcut() {

  //for add a new set 'new_set_fortest'
  parent::runFile('shortcut_add_set.yaml', 'add new shortcut set (create)', $this->shortcut_tests_dir);
  $query_add_set = db_select('shortcut_set', 'ss')
    ->fields('ss', array(
    ->condition('ss.title', 'new_set_fortest')
    ->assertTrue($query_add_set, t('Adding a new set \'new_set_fortest\' works fine.'));
  $num = count($query_add_set);
    ->assert('pass', 'the num of query db is ' . $num);
  foreach ($query_add_set as $key => $value) {
      ->assert('pass', $key . ' is ' . $value);
    ->assertRaw('<td>new_set_fortest</td>', t('new_set_fortest is built successful.'));

  //for add a new shortcut link to the new set which add before
  parent::runFile('shortcut_add_link.yaml', 'add a link to a shortcut set (create)', $this->shortcut_tests_dir);
  $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml')
    ->fields('ml', array(
    ->condition('ml.menu_name', $query_add_set['set_name'])
    ->condition('ml.link_title', 'link_admcont')
    ->condition('ml.link_path', 'admin/content')
    ->assertTrue($query, t('Adding shortcut link works fine.'));
  $num = count($query);
    ->assert('pass', 'the num of query db is ' . $num);
  foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
      ->assert('pass', $key . ' is ' . $value);
    ->drupalGet('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $query_add_set['set_name']);
    ->assertRaw('admin/content">link_admcont</a></td>', t('the new link:link_admcont(admin/content) is built successful.'));

  //for edit the link, which add before
  parent::runFile('shortcut_edit_link.yaml', 'edit a link of a shortcut set (modify)', $this->shortcut_tests_dir);
  $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml')
    ->fields('ml', array(
    ->condition('ml.menu_name', $query_add_set['set_name'])
    ->condition('ml.link_title', 'link_nodadd')
    ->condition('ml.link_path', 'node/add')
    ->assertTrue($query, t('Edit shortcut link works fine.'));
  $num = count($query);
    ->assert('pass', 'the num of query db is ' . $num);
  foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
      ->assert('pass', $key . ' is ' . $value);
    ->drupalGet('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $query_add_set['set_name']);
    ->assertNoRaw('admin/content">link_admcont</a></td>', t('the old link:link_adncont(admin/content) has changed.'));
    ->assertRaw('node/add">link_nodadd</a></td>', t('the new link:link_nodadd(node/add) has been built successful.'));

  //for switch user's shortcut set
  parent::runFile('shortcut_set_switch.yaml', 'switch shortcut set for users (modify)', $this->shortcut_tests_dir);
  $queryuser = db_select('users', 'u')
    ->fields('u', array(
    ->condition('', 'someone')
  $query = db_select('shortcut_set_users', 'ssu')
    ->fields('ssu', array(
    ->condition('ssu.uid', $queryuser)
    ->condition('ssu.set_name', $query_add_set['set_name'])
    ->assertTrue($query, t('Switching user\'s shortcut set works fine.'));
  $num = count($query);
    ->assert('pass', 'the num of query db is ' . $num);
  foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
      ->assert('pass', $key . ' is ' . $value);
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $queryuser . '/shortcuts');
    ->assertRaw('value="' . $query_add_set['set_name'] . '" checked="checked"', t('user "someone"\'s shortcut_set is ' . $query_add_set['title'] . ' now'));

  //TODO it seems the toolbar and shortcut can not be enabled in the simpletest, why?

  //$this->assertRaw('node/add">link_nodadd</a></li>', t('user "someone"\'s shortcut_set has the link_nodadd now'));

  //for delete the link, which just edit
  parent::runFile('shortcut_delete_link.yaml', 'delete a link from a shortcut set (modify)', $this->shortcut_tests_dir);
  $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml')
    ->fields('ml', array(
    ->condition('ml.menu_name', $query_add_set['set_name'])
    ->condition('ml.link_title', 'link_nodadd')
    ->condition('ml.link_path', 'node/add')
    ->assertFalse($query, t('Delete shortcut link works fine.'));
    ->drupalGet('admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $query_add_set['set_name']);
    ->assertNoRaw('node/add">link_nodadd</a></td>', t('the new link:link_nodadd(node/add) has been deleted.'));

  //for change the set "new_set_fortest" name to "newer_set_fortest"
  parent::runFile('shortcut_edit_set.yaml', 'edit the shortcut set name(modify)', $this->shortcut_tests_dir);
  $query = db_select('shortcut_set', 'ss')
    ->fields('ss', array(
    ->condition('ss.title', 'newer_set_fortest')
    ->condition('ss.set_name', $query_add_set['set_name'])
    ->assertTrue($query, t('Editing set works fine.'));
  $num = count($query);
    ->assert('pass', 'the num of query db is ' . $num);
  foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
      ->assert('pass', $key . ' is ' . $value);
    ->assertRaw('<td>newer_set_fortest</td>', t('new_set_fortest has been changed to newer_set_fortest.'));

  //for delete the set, which add before
  parent::runFile('shortcut_delete_set.yaml', 'delete a shortcut set (delete)', $this->shortcut_tests_dir);
  $query = db_select('shortcut_set', 'ss')
    ->fields('ss', array(
    ->condition('ss.title', 'newer_set_fortest')
    ->condition('ss.set_name', $query_add_set['set_name'])
    ->assertFalse($query, t('Deleting set works fine.'));
    ->assertNoRaw('<td>newer_set_fortest</td>', t('newer_set_fortest has been deleted.'));
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $queryuser . '/shortcuts');