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patterns.test in Patterns 7.2

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  1. 7 tests/patterns.test

The base of the Patterns Component tests.


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 * @file
 * The base of the Patterns Component tests.

 * Abstract base class for testing pattern component behavior.
abstract class PatternsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Returns the path to the tests directory inside the
   * Patterns module
  public function getPatternsTestDir() {
    return realpath('./') . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'patterns') . '/tests/';

   * Setups the testing environment.
   * Loads the patterns and libraries modules plus all those that are
   * passed as parameters; skips the Patterns splash screen.
   * @param array $user_modules The array of modules to enable
   * @param bool $first (optional) If TRUE, the Patterns splash
   *   screen is not skipped.
  public function setUp($user_modules = array(), $first = FALSE) {
    $modules = array(
    if (!empty($user_modules)) {
      if (!is_array($user_modules)) {
        $user_modules = array(
      $modules = array_merge($modules, $user_modules);
      $modules = array_unique($modules);

    // Enable any modules required for the tests.

    //fix simpletest error of importing&exporting.

    //hook_update_N() is in patterns.install, but hook_update_N can only be run by update.php. so I just put the code here.

    //by Rui.2013.1.11
    if (db_table_exists('patterns')) {
      $uuuid = array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 50,
        'default' => '',
        'description' => 'Identify patterns and their parent',
      db_add_field('patterns', 'uuuid', $uuuid);
      $author = array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 30,
        'default' => '',
        'description' => 'pattern\'s author',
      db_add_field('patterns', 'author', $author);
    if (!$first) {

      // 'patterns_first_install' => PATTERNS_FIRST_INSTALL in
      // includes/ (may be not yet loaded)
      variable_set('patterns_first_install', FALSE);

      // TODO: Can we set the flag FIRST_INSTALL to FALSE before enabling patterns
      // so that we don't need to rebuild the menu
    variable_set('patterns_save_file', 'public:///patterns_tests-' . rand(0, 1000000));

    // TODO: how to ensure that Spyc is installed?
    // Create users.
    $this->pat_user = $this
      'administer patterns',

    // Login the patterns administrator.

   * Loads a pattern file and runs it.
   * @param mixed $filename The full name (name + extension) of
   *   the file to run
   * @param mixed $name An alphanumeric name or short sentence
   *   to be displayed next to the test results
   * @param mixed $dir The path of the directory containing the
   *   pattern file
   * @param mixed $format (optional) If set, forces the use of
   *   a specific format
   * @see quickRun()
  function runFile($filename, $name, $dir, $format = NULL) {
    $patterntext = $this
      ->loadPattern($filename, $dir);
    if (is_null($format)) {
      $path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
      $format = $path_parts['extension'];
      ->quickRun($patterntext, $name);

   * Runs a pattern through the Quick Run interface and
   * checks the output screen for errors messages.
   * @param mixed $pattern A string representation of a pattern
   * @param mixed $name An alphanumeric name or short sentence
   *   to be displayed next to the test results
   * @param mixed $format (optional) The format of the pattern
   *   to be executed. Defaults 'yaml' for historical reasons
   * @param bool $valid (optional) If TRUE, it assumed that the executed
   *   pattern should not raise errors. Defaults TRUE
   * @param mixed $mode (optional) The execution mode of the pattern
   *   Defaults 'php'
  function quickRun($pattern, $name, $format = 'yaml', $valid = TRUE, $mode = 'php') {

    // Fill the form.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['format'] = $format;
    $edit['mode'] = $mode;
    $edit['content'] = $pattern;

    // Post the form.
      ->drupalPost('admin/patterns/quickrun', $edit, t('Run'));
    if ($valid) {

      // Check for a valid syntax run.
        ->assertUniqueText(t('ran successfully.', array(
        '@pattern' => $name,
      )), t('Valid pattern runs without errors.'));
        ->assertNoText(t('Error(s) while processing pattern:'), t('Valid pattern does not produce errors.'));
    else {
        ->assertUniqueText(t('Error(s) while processing pattern:'), t('Invalid pattern produces errors.'));
        ->assertNoText(t('ran successfully.', array(
        '@pattern' => $name,
      )), t('Invalid pattern does not run without errors.'));

   * Scans a directory for patterns files, and executes them.
   * @param mixed $dir The path to the directory to scan
  function runDir($dir) {
    if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) {
        ->error(t('Directory not found or not readable: ' . $dir));
      return FALSE;
    if (!($handle = opendir($dir))) {
        ->error(t('Error opening directory') . ' ' . $dir);
      return FALSE;
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
      $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
      $format = $path_parts['extension'];
      if (!patterns_parser_exists($format)) {
        ->runFile($file, 'Running' . ' ' . $file, $dir);

   * Loads all the pattern files from a directory
   * and executes a callback on each parsed pattern.
   * The parser is chosen based on the extension of the files
   * in the folder.
   * The directory must be readable.
   * @param $mixed $dir The directory in which looking for
   *   patterns files
   * @param $mixed $callback The callback function to be
   *   passed to call_user_func. The argument of the callback
   *   is the array representation of a pattern, as loaded by
   *   patterns_parser_load()
  function callbackOnDir($dir, $callback) {
    if (empty($callback)) {
        ->error(t('No callback passed to runPatternsFromDir.'));
      return FALSE;
    if (!is_callable($callback, TRUE)) {
        ->error(t('Callback to runPatternsFromDir is not callable.'));
      return FALSE;
    if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) {
        ->error(t('Directory not found or not readable: ' . $dir));
      return FALSE;
    if (!($handle = opendir($dir))) {
        ->error(t('Error opening directory') . ' ' . $dir);
      return FALSE;
    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
      $path_parts = pathinfo($entry);
      $format = $path_parts['extension'];
      if (!patterns_parser_exists($format)) {
      $pattern = patterns_parser_load($dir . $entry, $format);
      if (empty($pattern)) {
          ->fail(t('Error while loading') . ' ' . $entry);
      call_user_func($callback, $pattern);

   * Loads a pattern file into a string from a directory.
   * @param mixed $filename The name of the pattern file
   * @param mixed $dir The directory where the pattern file
   *   is located.
  function loadPattern($filename, $dir) {
    if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) {
        ->error(t('Directory not found or not readable: ' . $dir));
      return FALSE;
    return file_get_contents($dir . $filename);

   * Checks if during the Web execution fopenurl is enabled.
   * Notice: patterns_utils_is_fopenurl_enabled cannot be used
   * because it does not work with drush (returns the value of cli).
  public function isFopenurlEnabled() {

    // View patterns list.

    // TODO: this text should not appear if and only if fopen is enabled for URLs.
    return $this
      ->assertNoText(t('Feature disabled:'), t('fopenurl is enabled.'));



Namesort descending Description
PatternsTestCase Abstract base class for testing pattern component behavior.