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function patterns_system_theme_default in Patterns 7

1 call to patterns_system_theme_default()
set_active_theme_submit in patterns_components/components/


patterns_components/components/, line 494


function patterns_system_theme_default($theme, $default, $admin) {

  // Get current list of themes.
  $themes = list_themes();

  // Check if the specified theme is one recognized by the system.
  if (!empty($themes[$theme])) {

    // Enable the theme if it is currently disabled.
    if (empty($themes[$theme]->status)) {

      // NOTE: this assumes sites/default/css exists.
    if ($default) {
      if ($admin) {

        // Set the admin theme.
        variable_set('admin_theme', $theme);
      else {

        // Set the default theme.
        variable_set('theme_default', $theme);

    // Rebuild the menu. This duplicates the menu_rebuild() in theme_enable().
    // However, modules must know the current default theme in order to use
    // this information in hook_menu() or hook_menu_alter() implementations,
    // and doing the variable_set() before the theme_enable() could result
    // in a race condition where the theme is default but not enabled.