function patterns_parser_load in Patterns 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 includes/parser/ \patterns_parser_load()
Tries to load a pattern from a file according to the specified format. If succesfull returns the array representation of the pattern, if not returns FALSE;
mixed $path The path to the pattern file:
mixed $format The format against which parse the loaded pattern.:
Return value
bool|array The parsed pattern or FALSE.
2 calls to patterns_parser_load()
- PatternsTestCase::callbackOnDir in tests/
patterns.test - Loads all the pattern files from a directory and executes a callback on each parsed pattern.
- patterns_io_load_pattern_from_file in includes/
io/ - Creates a pattern object from a file
- includes/
parser/, line 231
function patterns_parser_load($path, $format = PATTERNS_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) {
if (empty($path)) {
return FALSE;
$load_function = patterns_parser_get_parser_function($format, PATTERNS_PARSER_LOAD);
if (!$load_function) {
return FALSE;
return $load_function($path);