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function _patterns_lab_include_pattern in Patterns 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 includes/forms/ \_patterns_lab_include_pattern()

Returns the portion of a pattern object to be included as a string, depending on the passed mode of exporting.


stdclass $pattern an object representing the pattern as loaded from: the database

mixed $mode one of the four inclusion modes:

1 call to _patterns_lab_include_pattern()
patterns_lab_submit in includes/forms/
Exports selected patterns either in a file or as a zip-archive


includes/forms/, line 318
Functions related to exporting patterns.


function _patterns_lab_include_pattern($pattern, $mode = PATTERNS_EXPORT_MODE_FULL) {
  if (empty($pattern)) {
    return FALSE;
  if ($mode === PATTERNS_EXPORT_MODE_FULL) {
    return $pattern->pattern;
    return patterns_parser_extract_all_actions($pattern->pattern);
  if ($mode === PATTERNS_EXPORT_MODE_NAME) {
    return $pattern->name;
  if ($mode === PATTERNS_EXPORT_MODE_ID) {
    return $pattern->pid;
  return FALSE;