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function patterns_php_action in Patterns 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 includes/core/ \patterns_php_action()

Execute a single pattern action.

@TODO Doc.


array $action:

mixed $place index of the current operation within the batch_set: s_map [$pid pattern id, $index ??]

1 call to patterns_php_action()
patterns_execute_pattern_php in includes/core/
Execute a Pattern. Actions will be called sequentially.


includes/core/, line 94
A simple, sequential version of running patterns.


function patterns_php_action($action, $data, $place, $actions_map) {

  // TODO: move this out of here?
  // Nothing to do if there is no action
  if (empty($data) || empty($action)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Cannot execute empty action.'), 'error');
    return FALSE;

  // $actions passed as reference.
  $results = patterns_prepare_action($action, $data, $actions_map);
  if (!patterns_error_check_results($results)) {
    return $results;
  $identifiers = array();
  return patterns_implement_action($action, $data, $identifiers, $place, $actions_map);