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  1. 7 includes/core/

Running patterns using Drupal's batch API.


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// Must be included here and not in the .module file
module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/common');

 * @file
 * Running patterns using Drupal's batch API.

 * Starts preliminary operations for pattern execution.
 * E.g.: loading additional modules, and creating the array of patterns actions.
 * If there are no errors, it creates the batch array of operations. Each of them
 * is a call to patterns_batch_actions with different parameters.
 * @param stdClass $pattern Pattern object as loaded by patterns_get_pattern().
 * @param array $params Parameters for executing the pattern. Array format as follows:
 * - pid => Pid of the pattern as it is in the database
 * - run-subpatterns => ['first-update', always', 'update', 'first', 'never']
 * - quickrun => boolean flag to indicate that the execution was initiated from a quickrun
 *   and the pattern is already loaded into $pattern.
 * @param $patterns_details
 * @param $actions_map
 * @return
 * @TODO Do we still need to pass $pattern here?
function patterns_execute_pattern_batch($pattern, $params, $patterns_details, $actions_map) {
  $pattern_details = current($patterns_details);
  $pid = key($patterns_details);
  $info = $pattern_details['info'];
  $infos = array(
    $pid => $info,
  $modules = $pattern_details['modules'];
  $sections = $pattern_details['sections'];
  $include_options = patterns_parser_build_include_options($pid, $params['run-subpatterns']);


  // Looping through the sections

  $tot_sec = count($sections);
  $cur_sec = 1;
  $_SESSION['patterns_batch_counter'] = 0;
  $_SESSION['patterns_batch_total'] = $tot_sec;
  foreach ($sections as $section => $actions) {

    // by default this pattern should run included ?
    // this setting can be overwritten by the pattern file itself
    $actions = patterns_parser_retrieve_actions_from_section($actions, $include_options);

    // This can happen if includes are disabled
    if (count($actions) == 0) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Section "%section" did not contain any valid action. Please check your policy for included patterns.', array(
        '%section' => $section,
      )), 'warning');

    // Reformat the actions. $actions passed as reference.
    $progress_params = array(
      '%section' => $section,
      '%cur_sec' => $cur_sec,
      '%tot_sec' => $tot_sec,
    $progress = t('Running section "%section" (%cur_sec/%tot_sec), action @current out of @total', $progress_params);
    $batch = array(
      //'title' => t('Processing section %section of pattern %pattern', array('%section' => $section, '%pattern' => $info['title'])),
      'title' => t('Processing pattern %pattern', array(
        '%pattern' => $info['title'],
      'progress_message' => $progress,
      'operations' => array(),
      'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'patterns') . '/includes/core/',
      'finished' => 'patterns_batch_finish',
      'init_message' => t('Initializing section "%section" (%cur_sec/%tot_sec)', array(
        '%section' => $section,
        '%cur_sec' => $cur_sec,
        '%tot_sec' => $tot_sec,
    $total = count($actions);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($actions as $action) {
      $batch['operations'][] = array(
    $_SESSION['patterns_batch_info'] = $infos;
  return TRUE;

 * Executes a batch action.
 * @param array $action
 * @param mixed $place index of the current operation within the batch_set
 * @param array $actions_map [$pid pattern id, $index ??]
 * @param array $context
 * @TODO Doc.
function patterns_batch_action($action, $data, $place, $actions_map, $section, &$context) {

  // Since we are in the batch, we need to load some things once more.
  module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/common');
  module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/modules');
  module_load_include('inc', 'patterns', 'includes/core/token');

  // Nothing to do if there is no action
  if (empty($data) || empty($action)) {
    $context['finished'] = 1;
    $context['results']['abort'] = 1;
    $context['results']['error_message'] = t('Cannot execute empty action.', 'error');
    return FALSE;

  // Saving the name of the section in the context
  $context['results']['section'] = $section;

  // Start a timer. Since we want each action to be its own http request, we need
  // to ensure the batch api will decide to do it like that by making each action
  // take at least a second to execute


  $results = patterns_prepare_action($action, $data);
  if ($results['status'] == PATTERNS_ERR) {
    $context['finished'] = 1;
    $context['results']['abort'] = 1;
    $context['results']['error_message'] = NULL;
    $context['results']['idx'] = $place;
    return FALSE;


  // skip action execution if an error is encountered in some of the previous operations
  if (!empty($context['results']['abort'])) {
  $results = patterns_implement_action($action, $data, $context['results']['identifiers'], $place, $actions_map);
  if ($results['status'] == PATTERNS_ERR) {

    // TODO: handle better?
    // we use 'results' to keep track of errors and abort execution if required
    $context['results']['abort'] = TRUE;
    $context['results']['error_message'] = $results['msg'];
  if (timer_read('patterns_action') < 1000) {
    @usleep(1000 - timer_read('patterns_action'));

 * Finishes a batch operation.
 * When a section has been executed, check its status and print an output to screen
 * @param $success boolean Whether the section was completed (with or without errors)
 * @param $results array Detailed report of the execution of the section
 * @param @operations array Additional information by the batch (not used for now)
function patterns_batch_finish($success, $results, $operations) {
  $info = $_SESSION['patterns_batch_info'];
  $pid = key($info);
  $pattern = $info[$pid];
  $section = $results['section'];
  if (empty($results['abort'])) {
    _patterns_section_success($pid, $pattern['title'], $section);
  else {
    _patterns_section_fail($pid, $pattern['title'], $section, $results['error_message']);

  // If this is the last section to finish, unset all $_SESSION variables
  // and flush caches
  if ($_SESSION['patterns_batch_counter'] >= $_SESSION['patterns_batch_total']) {


Namesort descending Description
patterns_batch_action Executes a batch action.
patterns_batch_finish Finishes a batch operation.
patterns_execute_pattern_batch Starts preliminary operations for pattern execution.