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function pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity in Pathauto 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 pathauto.module \pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity()

Load an URL alias pattern by entity, bundle, and language.


$entity: An entity (e.g. node, taxonomy, user, etc.)

$bundle: A bundle (e.g. content type, vocabulary ID, etc.)

$language: A language code, defaults to the LANGUAGE_NONE constant.

8 calls to pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity()
PathautoTestHelper::assertEntityPattern in ./pathauto.test
PathautoUnitTestCase::testPatternLoadByEntity in ./pathauto.test
Test pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity().
pathauto_blog_update_alias in ./pathauto.module
Update the blog URL aliases for an individual user account.
pathauto_create_alias in ./
Apply patterns to create an alias.
pathauto_field_attach_form in ./pathauto.module
Implements hook_field_attach_form().

... See full list

1 string reference to 'pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity'
PathautoTestHelper::assertEntityPattern in ./pathauto.test


./pathauto.module, line 130
Main file for the Pathauto module, which automatically generates aliases for content.


function pathauto_pattern_load_by_entity($entity, $bundle = '', $language = LANGUAGE_NONE) {
  $patterns =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  $pattern_id = "{$entity}:{$bundle}:{$language}";
  if (!isset($patterns[$pattern_id])) {
    $variables = array();
    if ($language != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
      $variables[] = "pathauto_{$entity}_{$bundle}_{$language}_pattern";
    if ($bundle) {
      $variables[] = "pathauto_{$entity}_{$bundle}_pattern";
    $variables[] = "pathauto_{$entity}_pattern";
    foreach ($variables as $variable) {
      if ($pattern = trim(variable_get($variable, ''))) {
    $patterns[$pattern_id] = $pattern;
  return $patterns[$pattern_id];