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function pathauto_entity_state_load_multiple in Pathauto 7

Load a pathauto state for multiple entities.


string $entity_type: The entity type.

int[] $entity_ids: The array of entity IDs.

Return value

bool[] An array of Pathauto states keyed by entity ID.

2 calls to pathauto_entity_state_load_multiple()
pathauto_entity_load in ./pathauto.module
Implements hook_entity_load().
pathauto_entity_state_load in ./pathauto.module
Load a pathauto state for an entity.


./pathauto.module, line 466
Main file for the Pathauto module, which automatically generates aliases for content.


function pathauto_entity_state_load_multiple($entity_type, $entity_ids) {
  return db_query("SELECT entity_id, pathauto FROM {pathauto_state} WHERE entity_type = :entity_type AND entity_id IN (:entity_ids)", array(
    ':entity_type' => $entity_type,
    ':entity_ids' => $entity_ids,