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11 calls to pathauto_create_alias() in Pathauto 6

blog_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
Bulk generate aliases for all blogs without aliases.
contact_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
Bulk generate aliases for all users without aliases
node_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
Generate aliases for all nodes without aliases.
pathauto_form_alter in ./pathauto.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
pathauto_nodeapi in ./pathauto.module
Implements hook_nodeapi().
pathauto_node_update_alias in ./pathauto.module
Update the URL aliases for an individual node.
pathauto_user in ./pathauto.module
Implements hook_user().
pathauto_user_update_alias in ./pathauto.module
Update the URL aliases for an individual user account.
tracker_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
Bulk generate aliases for user trackers without aliases.
user_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
Bulk generate aliases for all users without aliases.
_taxonomy_pathauto_alias in ./
Create aliases for taxonomy objects.