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Functions in Pathauto 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
blog_pathauto ./ Implements hook_pathauto().
blog_pathauto_bulkupdate ./ Bulk generate aliases for all blogs without aliases.
contact_pathauto ./ Implements hook_pathauto().
contact_pathauto_bulkupdate ./ Bulk generate aliases for all users without aliases
forum_pathauto ./ Implementation of hook_pathauto() for forum module.
forum_pathauto_bulkupdate ./ Generate aliases for all forums and forum containers without aliases.
hook_pathauto ./pathauto.api.php
hook_pathauto_alias_alter ./pathauto.api.php
hook_pathauto_bulkupdate ./pathauto.api.php
hook_path_alias_types ./pathauto.api.php @file Documentation for pathauto API.
node_pathauto ./ Implements hook_pathauto().
node_pathauto_bulkupdate ./ Generate aliases for all nodes without aliases.
pathauto_admin_delete ./ Menu callback; select certain alias types to delete. 1
pathauto_admin_delete_submit ./ Process pathauto_admin_delete form submissions.
pathauto_admin_settings ./ Form builder; Configure the Pathauto system. 1
pathauto_admin_settings_validate ./ Validate pathauto_admin_settings form submissions.
pathauto_cleanstring ./ Clean up a string segment to be used in an URL alias. 2 1
pathauto_clean_alias ./ Clean up an URL alias. 1
pathauto_clean_token_values ./ Clean tokens so they are URL friendly. 1
pathauto_create_alias ./ Apply patterns to create an alias. 11
pathauto_field_attach_delete_bundle ./pathauto.module Implements hook_field_attach_delete_bundle(). 2
pathauto_field_attach_rename_bundle ./pathauto.module Implements hook_field_attach_rename_bundle(). 1
pathauto_form_alter ./pathauto.module Implements hook_form_alter().
pathauto_get_placeholders ./ Generalized function to get tokens across all Pathauto types. 12
pathauto_help ./pathauto.module Implements hook_help().
pathauto_install ./pathauto.install Implementation of hook_install().
pathauto_menu ./pathauto.module Implements hook_menu().
pathauto_nodeapi ./pathauto.module Implements hook_nodeapi(). 5
pathauto_node_operations ./pathauto.module Implements hook_node_operations().
pathauto_node_operations_update ./pathauto.module Wrapper function backwards compatibility. Should be avoided.
pathauto_node_type ./pathauto.module Implements hook_node_type().
pathauto_node_update_alias ./pathauto.module Update the URL aliases for an individual node. 2
pathauto_node_update_alias_multiple ./pathauto.module Update the URL aliases for multiple nodes. 1 1
pathauto_path_alias_types ./pathauto.module Implementation of hook_path_alias_types().
pathauto_perm ./pathauto.module Implements hook_perm().
pathauto_punctuation_chars ./ Return an array of arrays for punctuation values. 3
pathauto_taxonomy ./pathauto.module Implements hook_taxonomy(). 1
pathauto_token_list ./pathauto.module Implements hook_token_list().
pathauto_token_values ./pathauto.module Implements hook_token_values().
pathauto_uninstall ./pathauto.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
pathauto_update_1 ./pathauto.install Set the weight a little heavier to allow taxonomy to do its work.
pathauto_update_3 ./pathauto.install Delete the pathauto_node_supportsfeeds.
pathauto_update_4 ./pathauto.install New style naming for the punctuation chars.
pathauto_update_7 ./pathauto.install Remove the url_alias_extra table which wasn't used.
pathauto_user ./pathauto.module Implements hook_user(). 1
pathauto_user_operations ./pathauto.module Implements hook_user_operations().
pathauto_user_update_alias ./pathauto.module Update the URL aliases for an individual user account. 1
pathauto_user_update_alias_multiple ./pathauto.module Update the URL aliases for multiple user accounts. 1
taxonomy_pathauto ./ Implements hook_pathauto().
taxonomy_pathauto_bulkupdate ./ Generate aliases for all categories without aliases.


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