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Files in Pathauto 5.2

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API.txt API.txt This document explains how to provide "Pathauto integration" in a module. You need this if you would like to provide additional tokens or if your module has paths and you wish to have them automatically aliased. The simplest integration is…
basic_test test/basic_test_pathauto.html basic_test
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt ***DRUPAL-5 only*** 2007-05-16 Forum aliases are now handled separately. Forum vocabularies will not get a regular taxonomy/term/[tid] alias and the pattern input is not available. Added a "Delete all aliases" function. See tabs…
i18n-ascii.example.txt i18n-ascii.example.txt ; global transliteration [default] À = "A" Á = "A" Â = "A" Ã = "A" Ä = "Ae" Å = "A" Æ = "A" Ā = "A" Ą = "A" Ă = "A" Ç = "C" Ć =…
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt **Installation: Pathauto is an extension to the path module, which must be enabled. Pathauto also relies on the Token module, which must be downloaded and enabled separately. 1. Unpack the Pathauto folder and contents in the appropriate modules… Miscellaneous functions for Pathauto. name = Pathauto description = Provides a mechanism for modules to automatically generate aliases for the content they manage. dependencies = path token
pathauto.install pathauto.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for Pathauto.
pathauto.module pathauto.module Main file for the Pathauto module, which automatically generates aliases for content. Hook implementations for node module integration. Hook implementations for taxonomy module integration. Hook implementations for user module integration.
README.txt README.txt Please read this file and also the INSTALL.txt. They contain answers to many common questions. If you are developing for this module, the API.txt may be interesting. If you are upgrading, check the CHANGELOG.txt for major…

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