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function path_redirect_status_code_options in Path redirect 6

3 calls to path_redirect_status_code_options()
path_redirect_edit_form in ./
path_redirect_generate_redirects in generate/path_redirect_generate.module
path_redirect_settings_form in ./
Form builder; administrative settings for the module.


./, line 530
Administrative page callbacks for the path_redirect module.


function path_redirect_status_code_options() {
  return array(
    300 => t('300 Multiple Choices'),
    301 => t('301 Moved Permanently'),
    302 => t('302 Found'),
    303 => t('303 See Other'),
    304 => t('304 Not Modified'),
    305 => t('305 Use Proxy'),
    307 => t('307 Temporary Redirect'),