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function password_policy_view in Password Policy 5

The default view for the password policy module.

1 string reference to 'password_policy_view'
password_policy_menu in ./password_policy.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


./password_policy.module, line 184


function password_policy_view($pid = NULL) {

  // If we have a pid, then display the details for that policy, else
  // display all policies.
  if ($pid) {
    $policy = password_policy_load_policy_by_id($pid);
    if (!$policy) {
    $edit_url = l(t('editing this policy'), 'admin/user/password_policy/edit/' . $pid);
    $constraints = $policy->constraints;
    $desc = !$constraints ? t('This policy has no constraints set.  You can add constraints by ') . $edit_url . '.' : t('This policy has the constraints listed below.  You can change the constraints by ') . $edit_url . '.<br />' . $policy
    $output = "<p>{$desc}</p>";
    $expiration = $policy->expiration;
    $desc = $expiration > 0 ? t('The passwords expire after %number %days.', array(
      '%number' => $expiration,
      '%days' => format_plural($expiration, t('day'), t('days')),
    )) : t('The passwords never expire.');
    $output .= "<p>{$desc}</p>";
    return $output;

  // load the summary policies (id->name)
  $summaries = _password_policy_load_policy_summaries();
  if ($summaries) {
    return drupal_get_form('password_policy_view_form', $summaries);
  return '';