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function _password_policy_go_to_password_change_page in Password Policy 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 password_policy.module \_password_policy_go_to_password_change_page()

Redirects user to password change page.

The password change page path depends on whether Password Policy Password Tab is enabled. When there are multiple paths, the first is assumed to be preferred.

2 calls to _password_policy_go_to_password_change_page()
password_policy_init in ./password_policy.module
Implements hook_init().
password_policy_user in ./password_policy.module
Implements hook_user().


./password_policy.module, line 101
The password policy module allows you to enforce a specific level of password complexity for the user passwords on the system.


function _password_policy_go_to_password_change_page() {
  $password_change_paths = _password_policy_get_password_change_paths();
  $preferred_password_change_path = $password_change_paths[0];
  $destination = drupal_get_destination();
  drupal_goto($preferred_password_change_path, $destination);