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function _password_policy_get_custom_password_change_path in Password Policy 6

Gets custom password change path.

This is used in particular by the Password Policy Password Tab module to set an alternate password change page path.

Return value

The custom path if a custom path is set, NULL otherwise.

1 call to _password_policy_get_custom_password_change_path()
_password_policy_get_password_change_paths in ./password_policy.module
Gets paths that allow user to change their password.


./password_policy.module, line 135
The password policy module allows you to enforce a specific level of password complexity for the user passwords on the system.


function _password_policy_get_custom_password_change_path() {
  global $user;
  $subpath = variable_get('password_policy_change_url', NULL);
  if (isset($subpath)) {
    return "user/{$user->uid}/edit/{$subpath}";
  else {
    return NULL;