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function _password_policy_default_force_change_extra_allowed_paths in Password Policy 7

Returns default value for password_policy_force_change_extra_allowed_paths.

It is not necessary to allow system/ajax when password changes are forced, but historically this module has allowed this path by non-configurable default. We keep this path as a default but it is now configurable.

Return value

string Default value.

2 calls to _password_policy_default_force_change_extra_allowed_paths()
password_policy_admin_settings in ./
Settings form display.
_password_policy_get_configurable_allowed_paths in ./password_policy.module
Gets configurable paths allowed when password change forced.


./password_policy.module, line 1055
Allows enforcing restrictions on user passwords by defining policies.


function _password_policy_default_force_change_extra_allowed_paths() {
  return 'system/ajax';