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class History_Constraint in Password Policy 5


Expanded class hierarchy of History_Constraint


constraints/constraint_history.php, line 5

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class History_Constraint extends Constraint {
  function validate($plaintext_password, $user = NULL) {
    if (!$this->minimumConstraintValue) {
      return 1;
    if (!empty($user) && !empty($user->uid)) {

      // note that we specify a limit of the window size, but may not get that if the history isn't there.
      $result = db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {password_policy_users} WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY created DESC", $user->uid, 0, $this->minimumConstraintValue);
      $recordedHistorySize = db_num_rows($result);

      // if we don't have the history required to match the constraint history size, then reduce the history size to
      // match the available history.  This allows the constraint to work minimally until enough history has been
      // gathered to operate fully.
      $testSize = min($this->minimumConstraintValue, $recordedHistorySize);
      $count = 0;
      $passwordToCompare = md5($plaintext_password);
      $failed = FALSE;
      while ($values = db_fetch_array($result)) {

        // if we found one password which matches, then we've failed
        if ($values['pass'] == $passwordToCompare) {
          $failed = TRUE;
      return !$failed;
    return TRUE;
  function getDescription() {
    return t("Password must not match any of the user's previous X passwords.") . '<br />' . '<strong>' . t('Note: ') . '</strong>' . t("This constraint can only compare a new password with the previous passwords recorded since the password policy module was enabled. ") . t("For example, if the number of previous passwords is set to 3, the module may have only recorded 2 password changes since the module was enabled. ") . t("If the recorded password history is not large enough to support the constraint history size, the history size for the constraint will be reduced (temporarily during the constraint check) to match the available recorded history. ") . t('Also note that a history size of 1 means that the user is unable to change their password to their current password.') . t('This can be useful in certain situations, but a setting of 2+ will likely be more useful.');
  function getValidationErrorMessage() {
    return t("Password must not match !stmt.", array(
      '%windowSize' => $this->minimumConstraintValue,
      '!stmt' => format_plural($this->minimumConstraintValue, t('the last password used'), t('any of the previous %windowSize @password', array(
        '%windowSize' => $this->minimumConstraintValue,
        '@password' => format_plural($this->minimumConstraintValue, t('password'), t('passwords')),

