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function party_party_operations_merge in Party 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 party.module \party_party_operations_merge()

Merge multiple parties.

@todo: move this to an inc file; add file inclusion to hook_party_operations().

2 string references to 'party_party_operations_merge'
hook_party_operations in ./party.api.php
Add mass party operations for the Community admin page
party_party_operations in ./
Implements hook_party_operations.


./party.module, line 1075
Provides a generic CRM party entity.


function party_party_operations_merge($parties = array()) {
  if (count($parties) < 2) {
    drupal_set_message(t("You muset select two or more parties to merge"));
    return FALSE;

  // the first party out of the array.
  $first = array_shift($parties);
  foreach ($parties as $party) {
    party_merge($first, $party);

  // @todo: write me!