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function party_subscription_settings_edit_form_submit in Party 8.2

Submit party subscription settings form


modules/party_simplenews/, line 188
Helper functions etc for the subscription settings


function party_subscription_settings_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state, &$attached_entity, $party) {
  $hash = 'party_subscription_settings:' . $attached_entity->subscription_settings_id;
  $emails = party_get_all_emails($party);
  $values =& $form_state['values'][$hash];
  $field_ref = $values['field_ref'];
  $mail = $emails[$field_ref];

  // We first subscribe, then unsubscribe. This prevents deletion of subscriptions
  // when unsubscribed from the
  arsort($values['subscriptions']['newsletters'], SORT_NUMERIC);
  foreach ($values['subscriptions']['newsletters'] as $tid => $checked) {
    if ($checked) {

      // We may want to override this to make sure we get the right field ref
      simplenews_subscribe_user($mail, $tid, FALSE, 'website');
    else {
      simplenews_unsubscribe_user($mail, $tid, FALSE, 'website');
  drupal_set_message(t('The newsletter subscriptions for %party <%email> have been updated.', array(
    '%party' => $party->label,
    '%email' => $mail,