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function party_simplenews_simplenews_subscriber_insert in Party 8.2

Implements hook_simplenews_subscriber_insert.

Ensures that the subscriber record from simplenews has a reference to the correct party.

This hook gets called whenever a new subscriber record gets added to the database. The information available at this point can vary.

  • If the subscription has been made through simplenews' bulk email subscriber the subscriber may only have the 'email' property.
  • If the subscription was made through the subscription_settings attached entity then the 'party_id' and 'party_field_ref' will be available.
  • If the subscription was made through the user subscribing themself then 'uid' property will be set.

These properties are described in more detail below.

  • 'email' The email address being subscribed to the newsletter. This should always be availble.
  • 'uid' The user id of the user being subscribed to the newsletter.
  • 'party_id' The party id of the party being subscirbed to a newsletter.
  • 'party_field_ref' A string that tell's party which field the email matches on the party. This allow's party module to keep the subscription up to date if the email changes.

Once a suitable party has been found for the subscriber, the party_id and party_field_ref are stored in the party_simplenews_subscriber table (see party_simplenews_simplenews_subscriber_update). A subscription settings entity is also attached to the party.


modules/party_simplenews/party_simplenews.module, line 198
Main module file for Party Simplenews integration


function party_simplenews_simplenews_subscriber_insert($subscriber) {

  // If the party and field_ref is set save them into the
  // party_simplenews_subscriber table and add a subscriptions_settings
  // attached entity (if one does not already exist.
  // @todo: we don't add the party's user to the subscriber record for now as:
  //   1 - multiple user subscriptions may cause problems for simplenews
  //   2 - this may have potential security risks?
  if (!empty($subscriber->party_id) && !empty($subscriber->party_field_ref)) {
    $party = party_load($subscriber->party_id);

  // Firstly, if the account id is not 0 and the party_user module is enabled,
  // see if that user has a party and attach it. This avoids the potential
  // security hole above as the party and user are already connected.
  if (module_exists('party_user') && $subscriber->uid != 0) {
    $party = party_user_get_party($subscriber->uid);

    // Define a standard field ref for the user email property.
    $field_ref = 'user__0__mail__0';

    // Set the party and field ref on the simplenews_subscriber record and
    // save. See party_simplenews_simplenews_subscriber_update.
    $subscriber->party_id = $party->pid;
    $subscriber->party_field_ref = $field_ref;

    // Create the subscription_settings attached entity.

  // At this point we know we don't have enough information to make an easy
  // link to the correct party, so we try an sniff one out using the email
  // provided.
  // This shouldn't have security issues as we don't link user accounts to
  // parties based on this information.
  // Get a list of all email fields.
  $fields = party_get_email_fields();

  // Iterate over email fields and use an EFQ to try and find entities that
  // match the email we've been provided with.
  $found = FALSE;
  foreach ($fields as $data_set_name => $fields) {
    $definition = party_get_data_set_info($data_set_name);
    $entity_type = $definition['entity type'];
    $bundle = $definition['entity bundle'];
    foreach ($fields as $field_name) {
      $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      $entities = $query
        ->entityCondition('entity_type', $entity_type)
        ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle)
        ->fieldCondition($field_name, 'email', $subscriber->mail)

      // If we don't find an entity with this email address on it, skip the
      // rest.
      if (empty($entities[$entity_type])) {

      // The output of EFQ::execute are stub entities keyed by entity_id so we
      // can get the entity_id like this:
      $entity_id = reset(array_keys($entities[$entity_type]));

      // Now we need to find the party id. This code is taken from
      // party_user_get_party
      $result = db_select('party_attached_entity', 'pae')
        ->fields('pae', array(
        ->condition('eid', $entity_id, '=')
        ->condition('data_set', $data_set_name)
      $party_id = reset($result);

      // If we don't find a party keep looking.
      if (!$party_id) {

      // We've found a party, so lets save everything
      // Here we're assuming that the delta of the field is 0.
      // @todo: don't assume the delta is 0
      $subscriber->party_id = $party_id;
      $subscriber->party_field_ref = $data_set_name . '__' . $entity_id . '__' . $field_name . '__0';
      $found = TRUE;
    if ($found) {