function party_commerce_party_data_set_info in Party 8.2
Implements hook_party_data_set_info().
- modules/
party_commerce/ party_commerce.module, line 11 - Support for Drupal Commerce customer profiles.
function party_commerce_party_data_set_info() {
$sets = array();
foreach (commerce_customer_profile_type_get_name() as $type => $label) {
$sets["commerce_customer_profile_" . $type] = array(
'label' => $label,
'entity type' => 'commerce_customer_profile',
'entity bundle' => $type,
'class' => 'PartyCustomerProfileDataSet',
// Provide details of admin interfaces
'admin' => array(
'manage fields' => 'admin/commerce/customer-profiles/types/' . $type . '/fields',
'manage display' => 'admin/commerce/customer-profiles/types/' . $type . '/display',
// Provide a piece corresponding to each data set.
'piece' => array(
'path' => 'customer-profile-' . str_replace('_', '-', $type),
'title' => $label,
'maker' => 'view',
'page callback' => 'party_view_data_set',
'page arguments' => array(
"commerce_customer_profile_" . $type,
// @todo: this needs to tell the access arguments for party_access()
// about the argument for loading our attached entities.
// In other words, some sort of %wildcard_to_arg() function maybe?
'access arguments' => array(
"view any {$type} customer profile",
// File path is relative to implementing module.
'file' => '',
return $sets;