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Functions in Partial Date 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
partial_date_components ./partial_date.module These are the core components that always exist, but are shown or hidden depending on the selected field settings. 17
partial_date_component_format_options ./ 1
partial_date_day_of_week ./partial_date.module Gets day of week, 0 = Sunday through 6 = Saturday. 1
partial_date_day_ordinal_suffix ./partial_date.module Returns a translated ordinal suffix for a given day of the month. 1
partial_date_element_info ./partial_date.module Implements hook_element_info().
partial_date_element_process ./partial_date.module Roll out a single date element. 1
partial_date_element_validate ./partial_date.module TODO: Validates the date type to stop dates like February 30, 2006. 1
partial_date_estimate_handling_options ./ 1
partial_date_field_estimates ./partial_date.module Helper function to load the estimate options from the field or instance settings. 3
partial_date_field_estimates_default_settings ./ Helper function to define the default estimate settings. 1
partial_date_field_estimates_settings_form ./ Helper function to duplicate the same settings on both the instance and field settings. 1
partial_date_field_estimates_validate_parse_options ./ Validate and parse the options. This is fairly loose validation, empty values will be cast to 0. 1
partial_date_field_formatter_info ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
partial_date_field_formatter_settings_form ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
partial_date_field_formatter_settings_summary ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
partial_date_field_formatter_view ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
partial_date_field_info ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_info().
partial_date_field_is_empty ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_is_empty(). 2
partial_date_field_load ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_load().
partial_date_field_populate_components ./ This generates the best estimate for the date components based on the submitted values. 1
partial_date_field_presave ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_presave().
partial_date_field_presave_generate_storage_date ./ Wrapper to set the storage column. 1
partial_date_field_schema ./partial_date.install Implement hook_field_schema().
partial_date_field_settings_form ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_settings_form().
partial_date_field_validate ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_validate().
partial_date_field_validate_year ./ Helper for hook_field_validate() to test that the year in within range. 1
partial_date_field_views_data includes/ Implements hook_field_views_data().
partial_date_field_widget_error ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_widget_error().
partial_date_field_widget_form ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_widget_form().
partial_date_field_widget_info ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_widget_info().
partial_date_field_widget_reduce_date_components ./partial_date.module Helper function to assign the correct components into an array that the formatters can use. 1
partial_date_field_widget_settings_form ./partial_date.module Implements hook_field_widget_settings_form().
partial_date_float ./partial_date.module Generates a numeric date string. 1
partial_date_format ./partial_date.module 1
partial_date_format_component ./partial_date.module 1
partial_date_format_default_options ./partial_date.module Provides the default settiings for the partial date formats. 1
partial_date_format_settings ./partial_date.module 4
partial_date_format_settings_form ./ 2
partial_date_format_types ./partial_date.module 5 1
partial_date_generate_date ./ This generates a date component based on the specified timestamp and timezone. This is used for deminstrational purposes only, and may fall back to the request timestamp and site timezone. 1
partial_date_granularity_field_options ./partial_date.module Returns option lists for the various components, with the exception of year which is not supported. 1
partial_date_is_leap_year ./partial_date.module Returns true, if given $year is a leap year. 2
partial_date_menu ./partial_date.module Implements hook_menu().
partial_date_meridiem_options ./ 1
partial_date_mktime ./partial_date.module Creates a timestamp based on the available components.
partial_date_month_abbreviations ./partial_date.module Returns a translated array of short month names. 1
partial_date_month_matrix ./partial_date.module Maps out the valid month ranges for a given year. 3
partial_date_month_names ./partial_date.module Returns a translated array of month names. 1
partial_date_reduce_range_values ./partial_date.module 1
partial_date_render ./partial_date.module 3


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