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class ParserIcalDateTimeElement in iCal feed parser 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \ParserIcalDateTimeElement

Overridden version of FeedsDateTimeElement that supports iCal specific parsing and repetition.

@todo repeating date storage not iCal specific, could be moved to base class.


Expanded class hierarchy of ParserIcalDateTimeElement


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class ParserIcalDateTimeElement extends FeedsDateTimeElement {
  public $repeat_vals = NULL;

   * Construct from an iCal VEVENT date array.
  public function __construct($feed_element) {
    if (empty($feed_element['DTSTART']['datetime'])) {
    include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'date_api') . '/';
    $timezone = $feed_element['DTSTART']['tz'];
    if (!empty($timezone)) {
      $timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
    $this->start = new FeedsDateTime($feed_element['DTSTART']['datetime'], $timezone);
    if (!empty($feed_element['DTEND']) && !empty($feed_element['DTEND']['datetime'])) {
      $this->end = new FeedsDateTime($feed_element['DTEND']['datetime'], $timezone);
    if ($feed_element['DTSTART']['all_day']) {

      // All day event; remove time granularity, set to = from
        ->setTime(0, 0, 0);
      $this->end = clone $this->start;
    if (array_key_exists('RRULE', $feed_element) && !empty($feed_element['RRULE']) && module_exists('date_repeat')) {

      // Explode the RRULE into parts so we can analyze it.
      $rrule = $feed_element['RRULE']['DATA'] . (!empty($feed_element['EXDATE']) ? "/n" . $feed_element['EXDATE'] : "");

      // In current API the first variable, $field, is unused--may change?
      $form_values = date_ical_parse_rrule(NULL, $rrule);

       * Make sure we don't end up with thousands of values with RRULES
       * that have no UNTIL or COUNT.
       * @todo could be adjusted or made configurable later.
       * NOTE: This is not properly timezone converted; that's the least of its
       * problems.
      $max = date_now();
      $max_repeats = 52;
      date_modify($max, '+5 years');
      $until = date_format($max, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
      if (empty($form_values['COUNT']) && (empty($form_values['UNTIL']) || $until < $form_values['UNTIL']['datetime'])) {
        $form_values['UNTIL'] = array(
          'datetime' => $until,
          'tz' => 'UTC',
        $form_values['COUNT'] = $max_repeats;
      elseif (empty($form_values['COUNT'])) {
        $form_values['COUNT'] = $max_repeats;
      elseif (empty($form_values['UNTIL'])) {
        $form_values['UNTIL'] = array(
          'datetime' => $until,
          'tz' => 'UTC',

      // Save these in the form_values format, which date can convert to an
      // rrule with date_api_ical_build_rrule()
      $this->repeat_vals = $form_values;

   * Overridden merge method to combine two iCal date elements.
   * Most of the heavy lifting still handled by parent merge method.
  public function merge(FeedsDateTimeElement $other) {
    $ret = parent::merge($other);
    if ($other instanceof FeedsIcalDateTimeElement && !$ret->repeat_vals && $other->repeat_vals) {
      $ret->repeat_vals = $other->repeat_vals;
    return $ret;

   * Build a node's date CCK field from our object.
  public function buildDateField($node, $field_name) {
    parent::buildDateField($node, $field_name);
    if (empty($this->repeat_vals)) {
    if (module_exists('date') && module_exists('date_repeat')) {
      include_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date_repeat') . '/';
      include_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'date') . '/';
      $field = content_fields($field_name);
      $node_field = $node->{$field_name}[0];
      $values = date_repeat_build_dates(NULL, $this->repeat_vals, $field, $node_field);
      $node->{$field_name} = $values;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FeedsDateTimeElement::$end public property
FeedsDateTimeElement::$start public property
FeedsDateTimeElement::getValue public function Override FeedsElement::getValue(). Overrides FeedsElement::getValue
FeedsDateTimeElement::readDateField protected static function Helper method for buildDateField(). Build a FeedsDateTimeElement object from a standard formatted node.
FeedsDateTimeElement::__toString public function Implementation of toString magic php method. Overrides FeedsElement::__toString
FeedsElement::$value protected property
ParserIcalDateTimeElement::$repeat_vals public property
ParserIcalDateTimeElement::buildDateField public function Build a node's date CCK field from our object. Overrides FeedsDateTimeElement::buildDateField
ParserIcalDateTimeElement::merge public function Overridden merge method to combine two iCal date elements. Most of the heavy lifting still handled by parent merge method. Overrides FeedsDateTimeElement::merge
ParserIcalDateTimeElement::__construct public function Construct from an iCal VEVENT date array. Overrides FeedsDateTimeElement::__construct