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ParagraphsDragAndDropModeTest.php in Paragraphs 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\Functional\WidgetStable;

use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityFormDisplay;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\paragraphs\Entity\Paragraph;

 * Tests the drag and drop mode of paragraphs.
 * @group paragraphs
class ParagraphsDragAndDropModeTest extends ParagraphsTestBase {

   * Modules to be enabled.
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() : void {
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'field_paragraphs');
      ->addFieldtoParagraphType('text', 'field_text', 'text');
      ->addParagraphsField('paragraphs_container', 'paragraphs_container_paragraphs', 'paragraph');

    // Make sure the paragraph fields use closed edit mode by default.
    $component = [
      'type' => 'paragraphs',
      'region' => 'content',
      'settings' => [
        'edit_mode' => 'closed',
        'form_display_mode' => 'default',
      ->setComponent('paragraphs_container_paragraphs', $component)
      ->setComponent('field_paragraphs', $component)
    $admin = $this
      'create paragraphed_test content',
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',

    // By default, paragraphs does not show the Drag & drop button if the
    // library is not present. Override this for tests, as they don't need the
    // JS.
      ->set('paragraphs_test_dragdrop_force_show', TRUE);

   * Tests moving a paragraph from a container to top-level.
  public function testChangeParagraphParentWeight() {

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create a second text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 2.',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create container that contains the first two text paragraphs.
    $paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Add test content with paragraph container.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [

    // Check that the parent of the second text paragraph is the paragraph
    // container.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::load($text_paragraph_2
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');
    $assert_session = $this
      ->hiddenFieldValueEquals('field_paragraphs[dragdrop][field_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][0][_path]', 'field_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs');
      ->hiddenFieldValueEquals('field_paragraphs[dragdrop][field_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][1][_path]', 'field_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs');

    // Change the path of the first text paragraph to the node as its parent.
    // This also requires an update of the path of the second paragraph in the
    // container as that moves down as well as the weight to prevent multiple
    // identical weights.
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check the new structure of the node and its paragraphs.
    $node = Node::load($node
      ->get('field_paragraphs')), 2);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $text_paragraph_1
    $text_paragraph_1 = $node
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $node
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'node');
      ->get(1)->target_id, $paragraph
    $paragraph = $node
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $node
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'node');
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 1);
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')->target_id, $text_paragraph_2
    $text_paragraph_2 = $paragraph
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');

    // If the library does not exist, test that the button is not visible
    // without forcing it. This can not be tested if the library exists.
    // @todo: Implement a library alter in a test module to do this?
    $library_discovery = \Drupal::service('library.discovery');
    $library = $library_discovery
      ->getLibraryByName('paragraphs', 'paragraphs-dragdrop');
    if (!$library) {
        ->set('paragraphs_test_dragdrop_force_show', FALSE);
        ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
        ->id() . '/edit');
        ->buttonNotExists('Drag & drop');

   * Tests moving a paragraph from one container to another.
  public function testChangeParagraphContainerMove() {

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create container that contains the first two text paragraphs.
    $paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create an empty container paragraph.
    $paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [],

    // Add test content with paragraph container and the third text paragraph.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [

    // Change the path of the text paragraph to the empty container as its
    // parent.
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');

    // Ensure that the summary is displayed correctly.
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.paragraphs-dragdrop-wrapper li:nth-of-type(1)', 'Test text 1');
      ->elementTextNotContains('css', '.paragraphs-dragdrop-wrapper li:nth-of-type(2)', 'Test text 1');
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');

    // Ensure the summary is displayed correctly for the collapsed paragraphs.
      ->elementTextNotContains('css', '.field--name-field-paragraphs tbody tr:nth-of-type(1) .paragraph-summary', 'Test text 1');
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.field--name-field-paragraphs tbody tr:nth-of-type(2) .paragraph-summary', 'Test text 1');

    // Ensure that the summary was updated correctly when going back to drag and
    // drop mode.
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');
      ->elementTextNotContains('css', '.paragraphs-dragdrop-wrapper li:nth-of-type(1)', 'Test text 1');
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.paragraphs-dragdrop-wrapper li:nth-of-type(2)', 'Test text 1');
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the parent of the text paragraph is the second paragraph
    // container.
    $node = Node::load($node
      ->get('field_paragraphs')), 2);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $paragraph
      ->get(1)->target_id, $paragraph_1
    $paragraph = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 0);
    $paragraph_1 = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 1);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $text_paragraph_1
    $text_paragraph_1 = $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');

   * Tests drag and drop mode with multiple changes on the paragraphs.
  public function testMultipleChangesParagraphs() {

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create a second text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 2.',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create container that contains the first two text paragraphs.
    $paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'title' => 'Test Paragraph 1',
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create another text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_3 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 3.',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create a container that contains the third text paragraph.
    $paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create a container that contains the second paragraph.
    $paragraph_3 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create an empty container paragraph.
    $paragraph_4 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [],

    // Create a node with the structure of three nested paragraphs, first
    // paragraph with two text paragraphs, second paragraph with a nested
    // paragraph containing a text paragraph and the third empty paragraph.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [

    // Edit the node.
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    $edit = [
      'field_paragraphs[2][subform][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][0][subform][field_text][0][value]' => 'new paragraph',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Drag & drop');

    // Change the structure of the node, third text paragraph goes to first
    // container, the first text paragraph goes to the second container (child
    // of third container) and the third container goes to the fourth container.
    // This also affects weights and paths of child and related paragraphs.
    $assert_session = $this

    // Save immediately, without separately confirming the widget changes.
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Reset the cache to make sure that the loaded parents are the new ones.

    // Assert the new parents of the text paragraphs.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::load($text_paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph_2
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');
    $text_paragraph_3 = Paragraph::load($text_paragraph_3
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');

    // Assert the new parent of the container.
    $paragraph_3 = Paragraph::load($paragraph_3
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph_4
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');

   * Tests that a separate field is not affected by reordering one field.
  public function testChangeParagraphContainerMultipleFields() {
      ->addParagraphsField('paragraphed_test', 'field_paragraphs_second', 'node');

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create second text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 2',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create container that contains the first two text paragraphs.
    $paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'title' => 'Test Paragraph',
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create an empty container paragraph.
    $paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'title' => 'Test Paragraph 1',
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [],

    // Create a container paragraph for the second field.
    $paragraph_second = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Add test content with paragraph container and the third text paragraph.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [
      'field_paragraphs_second' => [

    // Change the path of the text paragraph to the empty container as its
    // parent.
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');

    // Make sure that the second paragraph field is still displayed normally by
    // checking that it displays the edit button, as it is closed by default.
    // @todo: Introduce a global drag and drop mode?

    // Change the path of the text paragraph to the empty container as its
    // parent.
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the parent of the text paragraph is the second paragraph
    // container.
    $node = Node::load($node
      ->get('field_paragraphs')), 2);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $paragraph
      ->get(1)->target_id, $paragraph_1
    $paragraph = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 0);
    $paragraph_1 = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 1);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $text_paragraph_1
    $text_paragraph_1 = $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');

    // Assert the second field.
      ->get('field_paragraphs_second')), 1);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $paragraph_second
    $paragraph_second = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 1);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $text_paragraph_2

   * Tests moving a paragraph and after that enable the drag and drop mode.
  public function testChangeParagraphMoveBeforeReorder() {

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 2',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create container that contains the first text paragraphs.
    $paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create an empty container paragraph.
    $paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [],

    // Create the node with two containers and the second text in the middle.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');

    // Move the second text below the container.
    $edit = [
      'field_paragraphs[1][_weight]' => 2,
      'field_paragraphs[2][_weight]' => 1,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Drag & drop');

    // Change the path of the text paragraph to the empty container as its
    // parent.
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the parent of the text paragraph is the second paragraph
    // container.
    $node = Node::load($node
      ->get('field_paragraphs')), 3);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $paragraph
      ->get(1)->target_id, $paragraph_1
      ->get(2)->target_id, $text_paragraph_2
    $paragraph = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 0);
    $paragraph_1 = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 1);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $text_paragraph_1
    $text_paragraph_1 = $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');

   * Tests deleting a paragraph and after that enable the drag and drop mode.
  public function testChangeParagraphMoveAfterDelete() {

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 2',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create container that contains the first text paragraphs.
    $paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create an empty container paragraph.
    $paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [],

    // Create the node with two containers and the second text in the middle.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');

    // Delete the first container, move the text 2 paragraph into the second
    // container.
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');
    $assert_session = $this
      ->pageTextNotContains('Test text 1');
      ->pageTextContains('Test text 2');

    // Change the path of the text 2 paragraph to the empty container as its
    // parent.
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the parent of the text paragraph is the second paragraph
    // container.
    $node = Node::load($node
      ->get('field_paragraphs')), 1);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $paragraph_1
    $paragraph_1 = $node
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 1);
      ->get(0)->target_id, $text_paragraph_2
    $text_paragraph_2 = $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph_1
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');

   * Tests emptying a top level container.
  public function testChangeParagraphMoveAllFromTopLevelContainer() {

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create a second text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 2.',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create container that contains the two text paragraphs.
    $paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Add test node with paragraph container.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [

    // Check that the parent of the second text paragraph is the paragraph
    // container.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::load($text_paragraph_2
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $paragraph
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');
    $assert_session = $this
      ->hiddenFieldValueEquals('field_paragraphs[dragdrop][field_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][0][_path]', 'field_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs');
      ->hiddenFieldValueEquals('field_paragraphs[dragdrop][field_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][1][_path]', 'field_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs');

    // Change the path of both text paragraphs to the node as their parent.
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check the new structure of the node and its paragraphs.
    $node = Node::load($node
      ->assertEquals(3, count($node
      ->get(0)->target_id, $text_paragraph_1
    $text_paragraph_1 = $node
      ->assertEquals('node', $text_paragraph_1
      ->id(), $text_paragraph_1
      ->get(1)->target_id, $text_paragraph_2
    $text_paragraph_2 = $node
      ->assertEquals('node', $text_paragraph_2
      ->id(), $text_paragraph_2
      ->get(2)->target_id, $paragraph
    $paragraph = $node
      ->assertEquals('node', $paragraph
      ->id(), $paragraph
      ->assertEquals(0, count($paragraph

   * Tests emptying a nested container.
  public function testChangeParagraphMoveAllFromNestedContainer() {

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_1 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create a second text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 2.',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create a nested container that contains the two text paragraphs.
    $nested_container = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create a container that contains the first two text paragraphs.
    $container = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Add test node with paragraph container.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [

    // Check that the parent of the second text paragraph is the nested
    // container.
    $text_paragraph_2 = Paragraph::load($text_paragraph_2
      ->get('parent_id')->value, $nested_container
      ->get('parent_type')->value, 'paragraph');
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');
    $assert_session = $this
      ->hiddenFieldValueEquals('field_paragraphs[dragdrop][field_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][0][_path]', 'field_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs');
      ->hiddenFieldValueEquals('field_paragraphs[dragdrop][field_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][0][dragdrop][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][list][1][_path]', 'field_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs][0][paragraphs_container_paragraphs');

    // Change the path of both text paragraphs to the top container as their
    // parent with the nested container in the middle.
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check the new structure of the node and its paragraphs.
    $node = Node::load($node
      ->assertEquals(1, count($node
      ->id(), $node
    $container = $node
      ->assertEquals('node', $container
      ->id(), $container
      ->assertEquals(3, count($container
      ->id(), $container
    $text_paragraph_1 = $container
      ->assertEquals('paragraph', $text_paragraph_1
      ->id(), $text_paragraph_1
      ->id(), $container
    $nested_container = $container
      ->assertEquals('paragraph', $nested_container
      ->id(), $nested_container
      ->get('paragraphs_container_paragraphs')), 0);
      ->id(), $container
    $text_paragraph_2 = $container
      ->assertEquals('paragraph', $text_paragraph_2
      ->id(), $text_paragraph_2

   * Tests enabling and saving drag and drop with an empty node title.
  public function testEmptyNodeTitle() {

    // Create node.
      ->pressButton('Add text');

    // Enable drag and drop.
      ->submitForm([], 'Drag & drop');

    // Complete drag and drop.
      ->submitForm([], 'Complete drag & drop');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Title field is required.');



Namesort descending Description
ParagraphsDragAndDropModeTest Tests the drag and drop mode of paragraphs.