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Deprecated in Paragraphs 8

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Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
FieldCollectionType::setConfiguration src/Plugin/migrate/source/d7/FieldCollectionType.php function addDescription configuration key is deprecated in 8.x-1.0 and will be removed prior to 9.x. Use add_description instead.
Paragraph::getOwner src/Entity/Paragraph.php function Paragraphs no longer have their own author, check the parent entity instead.
Paragraph::getOwnerId src/Entity/Paragraph.php function Paragraphs no longer have their own author, check the parent entity instead.
Paragraph::getRevisionAuthor src/Entity/Paragraph.php function Paragraphs no longer have their own author, check the parent entity instead.
Paragraph::setOwner src/Entity/Paragraph.php function Paragraphs no longer have their own author, check the parent entity instead.
Paragraph::setOwnerId src/Entity/Paragraph.php function Paragraphs no longer have their own author, check the parent entity instead.
Paragraph::setRevisionAuthorId src/Entity/Paragraph.php function Paragraphs no longer have their own author, check the parent entity instead.
ParagraphsType::setConfiguration src/Plugin/migrate/source/d7/ParagraphsType.php function addDescription configuration key is deprecated in 8.x-1.0 and will be removed prior to 9.x. Use add_description instead.
ParagraphType src/Plugin/migrate/source/d7/ParagraphType.php class in Paragraphs 8.x-1.0 and will be removed before 9.x use \Drupal\paragraphs\Plugin\migrate\source\d7\ParagraphsType instead.
_paragraphs_migration_bundle_adjust ./paragraphs.module function in paragraphs:8.x-1.13 and is removed from paragraphs:8.x-2.0. Use \Drupal\paragraphs\MigrationPluginsAlterer::paragraphsMigrationBundleAdjust().
_paragraphs_migration_entity_type_adjust ./paragraphs.module function in paragraphs:8.x-1.13 and is removed from paragraphs:8.x-2.0. Use \Drupal\paragraphs\MigrationPluginsAlterer::paragraphsMigrationEntityTypeAdjust().

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