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protected function MigrateUiParagraphsTestBase::getExpectedEntities in Paragraphs 8

Gets the expected entity IDs and labels per entity type after migration.

Return value

string|null[][] An array of expected entity labels keyed by IDs, grouped by entity type ID. For some of the entities, label can be NULL.

2 calls to MigrateUiParagraphsTestBase::getExpectedEntities()
MigrateUiParagraphsTestBase::assertEntities in tests/src/Functional/Migrate/MigrateUiParagraphsTestBase.php
Asserts that the expected entities exist.
MigrateUiParagraphsTestBase::getEntityCounts in tests/src/Functional/Migrate/MigrateUiParagraphsTestBase.php
Gets the expected number of entities per entity type after migration.


tests/src/Functional/Migrate/MigrateUiParagraphsTestBase.php, line 53


Provides a base class for testing Paragraphs migration via the UI.




protected function getExpectedEntities() {
  $expected_entities = [
    'entity_form_display' => [
      'block_content.basic.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_forum.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_article.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_blog.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_book.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_page.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_paragraphs_test.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_test_content_type.default' => NULL,
      'node.article.default' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      'node.paragraphs_test.default' => NULL,
      'node.test_content_type.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.field_collection_test.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.nested_fc_inner.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.nested_fc_outer.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_one.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_two.default' => NULL,
      'taxonomy_term.test_vocabulary.default' => NULL,
      'user.user.default' => NULL,
    'entity_form_mode' => [
      'user.register' => 'Register',
    'entity_view_display' => [
      'block_content.basic.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_forum.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_article.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_blog.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_book.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_page.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_paragraphs_test.default' => NULL,
      'comment.comment_node_test_content_type.default' => NULL,
      'node.article.custom' => NULL,
      'node.article.default' => NULL,
      'node.article.rss' => NULL,
      'node.article.teaser' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      '' => NULL,
      'node.paragraphs_test.default' => NULL,
      'node.paragraphs_test.teaser' => NULL,
      'node.test_content_type.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.field_collection_test.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.nested_fc_inner.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.nested_fc_outer.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_one.default' => NULL,
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_one.paragraphs_editor_preview' => NULL,
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_two.default' => NULL,
      'taxonomy_term.test_vocabulary.default' => NULL,
      'user.user.compact' => NULL,
      'user.user.default' => NULL,
    'entity_view_mode' => [
      'block_content.full' => 'Full',
      'comment.full' => 'Full',
      'node.custom' => 'custom',
      'node.full' => 'Full',
      'node.rss' => 'RSS',
      'node.search_index' => 'Search index',
      'node.search_result' => 'Search result highlighting input',
      'node.teaser' => 'Teaser',
      'paragraph.full' => 'Full',
      'paragraph.paragraphs_editor_preview' => 'paragraphs_editor_preview',
      'paragraph.preview' => 'Preview',
      'taxonomy_term.full' => 'Full',
      'user.compact' => 'Compact',
      'user.full' => 'Full',
    'field_storage_config' => [
      'block_content.body' => 'block_content.body',
      'comment.comment_body' => 'comment.comment_body',
      'comment.field_integer' => 'comment.field_integer',
      'node.body' => 'node.body',
      'node.comment' => 'node.comment',
      'node.comment_forum' => 'node.comment_forum',
      'node.comment_node_article' => 'node.comment_node_article',
      'node.comment_node_blog' => 'node.comment_node_blog',
      'node.comment_node_book' => 'node.comment_node_book',
      'node.comment_node_page' => 'node.comment_node_page',
      'node.comment_node_paragraphs_test' => 'node.comment_node_paragraphs_test',
      'node.comment_node_test_content_type' => 'node.comment_node_test_content_type',
      'node.field_any_paragraph' => 'node.field_any_paragraph',
      'node.field_boolean' => 'node.field_boolean',
      'node.field_date' => 'node.field_date',
      'node.field_date_with_end_time' => 'node.field_date_with_end_time',
      'node.field_date_without_time' => 'node.field_date_without_time',
      'node.field_datetime_without_time' => 'node.field_datetime_without_time',
      'node.field_email' => 'node.field_email',
      'node.field_field_collection_test' => 'node.field_field_collection_test',
      'node.field_file' => 'node.field_file',
      'node.field_float' => 'node.field_float',
      'node.field_image' => 'node.field_image',
      'node.field_images' => 'node.field_images',
      'node.field_integer' => 'node.field_integer',
      'node.field_integer_list' => 'node.field_integer_list',
      'node.field_link' => 'node.field_link',
      'node.field_long_text' => 'node.field_long_text',
      'node.field_nested_fc_outer' => 'node.field_nested_fc_outer',
      'node.field_node_entityreference' => 'node.field_node_entityreference',
      'node.field_paragraph_one_only' => 'node.field_paragraph_one_only',
      'node.field_phone' => 'node.field_phone',
      'node.field_private_file' => 'node.field_private_file',
      'node.field_tags' => 'node.field_tags',
      'node.field_term_entityreference' => 'node.field_term_entityreference',
      'node.field_term_reference' => 'node.field_term_reference',
      'node.field_text' => 'node.field_text',
      'node.field_text_filtered' => 'node.field_text_filtered',
      'node.field_text_list' => 'node.field_text_list',
      'node.field_text_long_filtered' => 'node.field_text_long_filtered',
      'node.field_text_long_plain' => 'node.field_text_long_plain',
      'node.field_text_plain' => 'node.field_text_plain',
      'node.field_text_sum_filtered' => 'node.field_text_sum_filtered',
      'node.field_user_entityreference' => 'node.field_user_entityreference',
      'node.taxonomy_forums' => 'node.taxonomy_forums',
      'paragraph.field_email' => 'paragraph.field_email',
      'paragraph.field_integer_list' => 'paragraph.field_integer_list',
      'paragraph.field_nested_fc_inner' => 'paragraph.field_nested_fc_inner',
      'paragraph.field_text' => 'paragraph.field_text',
      'paragraph.field_text_list' => 'paragraph.field_text_list',
      'taxonomy_term.field_integer' => 'taxonomy_term.field_integer',
      'taxonomy_term.field_term_reference' => 'taxonomy_term.field_term_reference',
      'user.field_file' => 'user.field_file',
      'user.field_integer' => 'user.field_integer',
      'user.user_picture' => 'user.user_picture',
    'field_config' => [
      'block_content.basic.body' => 'Body',
      'comment.comment.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_forum.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_node_article.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_node_blog.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_node_book.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_node_page.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_node_paragraphs_test.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_node_test_content_type.comment_body' => 'Comment',
      'comment.comment_node_test_content_type.field_integer' => 'Integer',
      'node.article.body' => 'Body',
      'node.article.comment' => 'Comments',
      'node.article.comment_node_article' => 'Comments',
      'node.article.field_image' => 'Image',
      'node.article.field_link' => 'Link',
      'node.article.field_tags' => 'Tags',
      'node.article.field_text_filtered' => 'Text filtered',
      'node.article.field_text_long_filtered' => 'Text long filtered',
      'node.article.field_text_long_plain' => 'Text long plain',
      'node.article.field_text_plain' => 'Text plain',
      'node.article.field_text_sum_filtered' => 'Text summary filtered',
      '' => 'Body',
      '' => 'Comments',
      '' => 'Link',
      '' => 'Body',
      '' => 'Comments',
      '' => 'Body',
      '' => 'Comments',
      '' => 'Forums',
      '' => 'Body',
      '' => 'Comments',
      '' => 'Text filtered',
      '' => 'Text long filtered',
      '' => 'Text long plain',
      '' => 'Text plain',
      '' => 'Text summary filtered',
      'node.paragraphs_test.body' => 'Body',
      'node.paragraphs_test.comment_node_paragraphs_test' => 'Comments',
      'node.paragraphs_test.field_any_paragraph' => 'Any Paragraph',
      'node.paragraphs_test.field_field_collection_test' => 'Field Collection Test',
      'node.paragraphs_test.field_nested_fc_outer' => 'Nested FC Outer',
      'node.paragraphs_test.field_paragraph_one_only' => 'Paragraph One Only',
      'node.test_content_type.field_boolean' => 'Boolean',
      'node.test_content_type.comment_node_test_content_type' => 'Comments',
      'node.test_content_type.field_date' => 'Date',
      'node.test_content_type.field_date_with_end_time' => 'Date With End Time',
      'node.test_content_type.field_date_without_time' => 'Date without time',
      'node.test_content_type.field_datetime_without_time' => 'Datetime without time',
      'node.test_content_type.field_email' => 'Email',
      'node.test_content_type.field_file' => 'File',
      'node.test_content_type.field_float' => 'Float',
      'node.test_content_type.field_images' => 'Images',
      'node.test_content_type.field_integer' => 'Integer',
      'node.test_content_type.field_integer_list' => 'Integer List',
      'node.test_content_type.field_link' => 'Link',
      'node.test_content_type.field_long_text' => 'Long text',
      'node.test_content_type.field_node_entityreference' => 'Node Entity Reference',
      'node.test_content_type.field_phone' => 'Phone',
      'node.test_content_type.field_private_file' => 'Private file',
      'node.test_content_type.field_term_entityreference' => 'Term Entity Reference',
      'node.test_content_type.field_term_reference' => 'Term Reference',
      'node.test_content_type.field_text' => 'Text',
      'node.test_content_type.field_text_list' => 'Text List',
      'node.test_content_type.field_user_entityreference' => 'User Entity Reference',
      'paragraph.field_collection_test.field_integer_list' => 'Integer List',
      'paragraph.field_collection_test.field_text' => 'Text',
      'paragraph.nested_fc_inner.field_text' => 'Text',
      'paragraph.nested_fc_outer.field_nested_fc_inner' => 'Nested FC Inner',
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_one.field_text' => 'Text',
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_one.field_text_list' => 'Text List',
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_two.field_email' => 'Email',
      'paragraph.paragraph_bundle_two.field_text' => 'Text',
      'taxonomy_term.test_vocabulary.field_integer' => 'Integer',
      'taxonomy_term.test_vocabulary.field_term_reference' => 'Term Reference',
      'user.user.field_file' => 'File',
      'user.user.field_integer' => 'Integer',
      'user.user.user_picture' => 'Picture',
    'node_type' => [
      'article' => 'Article',
      'blog' => 'Blog entry',
      'book' => 'Book page',
      'forum' => 'Forum topic',
      'page' => 'Basic page',
      'paragraphs_test' => 'Paragraphs Test',
      'test_content_type' => 'Test content type',
    'node' => [
      1 => 'A Node',
      2 => 'The thing about Deep Space 9',
      4 => 'is - The thing about Firefly',
      6 => 'Comments are closed :-(',
      7 => 'Comments are open :-)',
      8 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND',
      9 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN',
    'paragraphs_type' => [
      'field_collection_test' => 'Field collection test',
      'nested_fc_inner' => 'Nested fc inner',
      'nested_fc_outer' => 'Nested fc outer',
      'paragraph_bundle_one' => 'Paragraph Bundle One',
      'paragraph_bundle_two' => 'Paragraph Bundle Two',
    // Paragraph IDs and labels with 'complete' migration, where node
    // revisions (even the active one) and node translations are migrated in a
    // single, complete node migration. The final IDs of the paragraph
    // entities aren't the same as the ones migrated with the 'classic'
    // migration.
    // @see
    'paragraph' => [
      1 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Field Collection Test',
      2 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Field Collection Test',
      3 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test',
      4 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      5 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      6 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      7 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Nested FC Outer > Nested FC Inner',
      8 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Nested FC Outer',
      9 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',
      10 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Any Paragraph',
      11 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Paragraph One Only',
      12 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph',
      13 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Paragraph One Only',
      14 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Paragraph One Only (previous revision)',
      15 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Any Paragraph',
      16 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph',
      17 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',
      18 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',

  // Paragraph IDs and labels with 'classic' node migration (core 8.8.x has
  // only this), where nodes, node revisions and node translations are
  // migrated separately.
  if (Settings::get('migrate_node_migrate_type_classic', FALSE)) {
    $expected_entities['paragraph'] = [
      1 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      2 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      3 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test',
      4 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      5 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      6 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Field Collection Test (previous revision)',
      7 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',
      8 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',
      9 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Paragraph One Only (previous revision)',
      10 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph',
      11 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Paragraph One Only',
      12 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Paragraph One Only (previous revision)',
      13 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',
      14 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph',
      15 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',
      16 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content EN > Any Paragraph (previous revision)',
      17 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Nested FC Outer > Nested FC Inner',
      18 => 'Paragraph Migration Test Content UND > Nested FC Outer',
  return $expected_entities;