function paragraphs_item_load_multiple in Paragraphs 7
Loads paragraphs items.
array $ids: An array of paragraphs item IDs or FALSE to load all.
array|bool $conditions: Should we reset the entity cache?
bool $reset: Should we reset the entity cache?
Return value
ParagraphsItemEntity[] An array of paragraphs item entities.
2 calls to paragraphs_item_load_multiple()
- paragraphs_field_update in ./
paragraphs.module - Implements hook_field_update().
- paragraphs_item_load in ./
paragraphs.module - Loads a paragraphs item.
- ./
paragraphs.module, line 77 - Paragraphs hooks and common functions.
function paragraphs_item_load_multiple(array $ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
return entity_load('paragraphs_item', $ids, $conditions, $reset);