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function theme_paragraphs_admin_overview in Paragraphs 7

Returns HTML for a paragraphs bundle description.


array $variables: An array with one item, containing the paragraphs bundle object. $variables['bundle'] is an object with the following properties:

  • name: The human-readable name of the bundle.
  • bundle: The machine name of the bundle.
  • label: The bundle's label when displayed in edit forms.
  • description: A text description of the bundle.

See also


1 theme call to theme_paragraphs_admin_overview()
paragraphs_admin_bundle_overview in ./
Page callback to show the bundle overview page.


./, line 86
Admin functions for the paragraphs module.


function theme_paragraphs_admin_overview(array $variables) {
  $bundle = $variables['bundle'];
  $output = check_plain($bundle->name);
  $output .= $bundle->name != $bundle->label ? ' [<em>' . check_plain($bundle->label) . '</em>]' : '';
  $output .= ' <small>' . t('(Machine name: @bundle)', array(
    '@bundle' => $bundle->bundle,
  )) . '</small>';
  $output .= !empty($bundle->description) ? '<div class="description">' . filter_xss_admin($bundle->description) . '</div>' : '';
  return $output;