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public function ParagraphsLibraryItemEntityBrowserTest::testEntityBrowserWidget in Paragraphs 8

Tests a flow of adding/removing references with paragraphs.


modules/paragraphs_library/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ParagraphsLibraryItemEntityBrowserTest.php, line 45


Tests entity browser integration with paragraphs.




public function testEntityBrowserWidget() {
    ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'field_paragraphs');
  $admin = $this
    'create paragraphed_test content',
    'edit any paragraphed_test content',
    'administer paragraphs library',
    'administer entity browsers',
    'access paragraphs_library_items entity browser pages',
    'administer content translation',
    'translate any entity',
    'create content translations',
    'administer languages',

  // Make everything that is needed translatable.
  $edit = [
    'entity_types[paragraphs_library_item]' => TRUE,
    'settings[paragraphs_library_item][paragraphs_library_item][translatable]' => TRUE,
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save configuration');
    ->addFieldtoParagraphType('text', 'field_text', 'text');

  // Add a paragraph library item.
    ->clickLink('Add library item');
  $element = $this
    ->find('xpath', '//*[contains(@class, "dropbutton-toggle")]');
  $button = $this
    ->findButton('Add text');
    ->fillField('label[0][value]', 'test_library_item');
    ->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'reusable_text');
    ->submitForm([], 'Save');

  // Add a node with a paragraph from library.
  $title = $this
    ->setValue('Paragraph test');
    ->pressButton('Select reusable paragraph');
  $style_selector = $this
    ->find('css', 'input[value="paragraphs_library_item:1"].form-radio');
  $drop = <<<JS
    jQuery('input[type=submit][value="Select reusable paragraph"]', window.frames['entity_browser_iframe_paragraphs_library_items'].document).trigger('click')

  // Now wait until the button and iframe is gone, wait at least one second
  // because the ajax detection does not reliable detect the active ajax
  // processing in the iframe.
    ->submitForm([], 'Save');

  // Check that the paragraph was correctly reused.

  // Translate the library item.
  $edit = [
    'label[0][value]' => 'DE Title',
    'paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]' => 'DE Library text',
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    ->pageTextContains('Paragraph DE Title has been updated.');

  // Add a node with a paragraph from library.
  $title = $this
    ->setValue('Paragraph test');
    ->pressButton('Select reusable paragraph');

  // Check that there is only one translation of the paragraph listed.
  $rows = $this
    ->assertCount(1, $rows);

  // Add a text paragraph in a new library item.
  $element = $this
    ->find('xpath', '//*[contains(@class, "dropbutton-toggle")]');
  $button = $this
    ->findButton('Add text');
    ->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Inner library item');
    ->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'This is a reusable text.');
    ->submitForm([], 'Save');

  // Add a library item inside a library item.
    ->fillField('label[0][value]', 'Outside library item');
  $button = $this
    ->findButton('Add From library');
    ->pressButton('Select reusable paragraph');
  $style_selector = $this
    ->find('css', 'input[value="paragraphs_library_item:2"].form-radio');
  $drop = <<<JS
    jQuery('input[type=submit][value="Select reusable paragraph"]', window.frames['entity_browser_iframe_paragraphs_library_items'].document).trigger('click')

  // Edit the inside library item after adding it.
    ->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]', 'This is a reusable text UPDATED.');
  $save_button = $this
    ->elementExists('css', '.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonset button');
    ->elementContains('css', '.paragraphs-collapsed-description .paragraphs-content-wrapper', 'This is a reusable text UPDATED.');
    ->submitForm([], 'Save');

  // Edit the outside library item.
    ->clickLink('Outside library item');
    ->elementContains('css', '.paragraphs-collapsed-description .paragraphs-content-wrapper', 'This is a reusable text UPDATED.');

  // Edit the inner library item and assert the fields and values.

  // Add a node with the outside library item.
  $title = $this
    ->setValue('Overlay node');
    ->pressButton('Add From library');
    ->pressButton('Select reusable paragraph');
  $style_selector = $this
    ->find('css', 'input[value="paragraphs_library_item:3"].form-radio');
  $drop = <<<JS
    jQuery('input[type=submit][value="Select reusable paragraph"]', window.frames['entity_browser_iframe_paragraphs_library_items'].document).trigger('click')
    ->elementContains('css', '.paragraphs-collapsed-description .paragraphs-content-wrapper', 'Inner library item');
    ->submitForm([], 'Save');
    ->pageTextContains('paragraphed_test Overlay node has been created.');

  // Edit the node.
  $node = $this
    ->getNodeByTitle('Overlay node');
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
    ->id() . '/edit');

  // Edit the Outside library item.

  // Edit the inner library item and assert its fields.
  $modal_form = $this
    ->find('css', '.ui-dialog .paragraphs-library-item-form');
  $save_button = $modal_form
    ->find('css', '.edit-button');