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ParagraphsLibraryItemTest.php in Paragraphs 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\paragraphs_library\Functional;

use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\paragraphs\Entity\Paragraph;
use Drupal\paragraphs\Entity\ParagraphsType;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\field_ui\Traits\FieldUiTestTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\FunctionalJavascript\ParagraphsTestBaseTrait;

 * Tests the functionality of the Paragraphs Library.
 * @group paragraphs_library
class ParagraphsLibraryItemTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use ParagraphsTestBaseTrait, FieldUiTestTrait;

   * Modules to be enabled.
   * @var string[]
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'classy';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() : void {
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'field_paragraphs');
      ->addFieldtoParagraphType('text', 'field_text', 'text');
      ->addParagraphsField('paragraphs_container', 'paragraphs_container_paragraphs', 'paragraph');
    $admin = $this
      'create paragraphed_test content',
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'view paragraphed_test revisions',
      'administer paragraphs library',

   * Tests the library items permissions in different scenarios.
  public function testLibraryItemsAccessControl() {

    // Login as a user with create paragraph library item permission.
    $role = $this
      'create paragraph library item',
    $user = $this

    // Add a new library item.
      ->pressButton('Add text');
    $edit = [
      'label[0][value]' => 'Library item',
      'paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]' => 'Item content',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->pageTextContains('Paragraph Library item has been created');

    // Assert a user has no access to the global library overview page.
    $matched_library_items = $this->container
      'label' => 'Library item',
    $library_item = reset($matched_library_items);
    $library_item_id = $library_item

    // Assert a regular user has no edit and delete access.
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 403, 'edit');
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 403, 'delete');

    // Add edit paragraph library item permission.
    user_role_grant_permissions($role, [
      'edit paragraph library item',
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 200, 'edit');
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 403, 'delete');

    // Enable granular permissions and make sure a user can not edit the library
    // item anymore due to missing edit permission for target paragraph type.
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 403, 'edit');
    user_role_grant_permissions($role, [
      'update paragraph content text',
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 200, 'edit');
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 403, 'delete');
    user_role_revoke_permissions($role, [
      'create paragraph library item',
      'edit paragraph library item',
    user_role_grant_permissions($role, [
      'administer paragraphs library',
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 200, 'edit');

    // User has no delete access due to missing delete permission for the target
    // paragraph type.
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 403, 'delete');
    user_role_grant_permissions($role, [
      'delete paragraph content text',
      ->assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, 200, 'delete');

   * Asserts HTTP response codes for library item operations.
  protected function assertLibraryItemAccess($library_item_id, $response_code, $operation) {

   * Check that conversion to and from library items does not have side effects.
  public function testNoConversionSideEffects() {

    // Create a text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'field_text' => [
        'value' => 'Test text 1',
        'format' => 'plain_text',

    // Create a container that contains the text paragraph.
    $container_paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphs_container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Add a node with the paragraphs.
    $node = Node::create([
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'title' => 'Test Node',
      'field_paragraphs' => [

    // Enable conversion to library item.
      ->setThirdPartySetting('paragraphs_library', 'allow_library_conversion', TRUE)

    // Convert the container to a library item.
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Promote to library');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the child text paragraph is present in the node.
      ->pageTextContains('Test text 1');
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Test Node');

    /** @var \Drupal\paragraphs_library\LibraryItemInterface $library_item */
    $library_item = $node

    // Remove the child text paragraph from the library item.
      ->drupalGet('/admin/content/paragraphs/' . $library_item
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->fillField('Label', 'Test Library Item');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the child text paragraph is no longer present in the
    // library item or the node.
      ->drupalGet('/admin/content/paragraphs/' . $library_item
      ->pageTextNotContains('Test text 1');
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->pageTextNotContains('Test text 1');

    // View the second-to-last revision.
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/revisions');
      ->find('css', '.node-revision-table')
      ->find('xpath', '(//tbody//tr)[2]//a')
    $revision_url = $this
      ->assertStringContainsString('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/revisions/', $revision_url);
      ->assertStringContainsString('view', $revision_url);

    // Check that the child text paragraph is still present in this revision.
      ->pageTextContains('Test text 1');

    // Add a new text paragraph to the library item.
      ->drupalGet('/admin/content/paragraphs/' . $library_item
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Add text');
      ->fillField('field_text', 'Test text 2');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the child text paragraph is present in the library item and
    // the node.
      ->drupalGet('/admin/content/paragraphs/' . $library_item
      ->pageTextContains('Test text 2');
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->pageTextContains('Test text 2');

    // Convert the library item in the node back to a container paragraph and
    // delete it.
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->submitForm([], 'Unlink from library');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Check that the child text paragraph is no longer present in the node but
    // still present in the library item.
      ->drupalGet('/node/' . $node
      ->pageTextNotContains('Test text 2');
      ->drupalGet('/admin/content/paragraphs/' . $library_item
      ->pageTextContains('Test text 2');

   * Test that usage tab are presented for library item.
  public function testLibraryItemUsageTab() {
    $admin = $this
      'create paragraphed_test content',
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'administer paragraphs library',
      'delete all revisions',
      'revert all revisions',
      'administer content types',
      'administer node fields',
      'administer paragraphs types',
      'administer node form display',
      'administer paragraph fields',
      'administer paragraph form display',
      'access entity usage statistics',
      ->fieldUIAddNewField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/test_content', 'paragraphs_text', 'Test content', 'text_long', [], []);

    // Add nested paragraph field.
      ->fieldUIAddNewField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/nested_paragraph', 'err_field', 'Nested', 'field_ui:entity_reference_revisions:paragraph', [
      'settings[target_type]' => 'paragraph',
      'cardinality' => '-1',
    ], []);

    // Add nested paragraph directly in library.
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->pressButton('Add nested_paragraph');
      ->find('css', '.paragraphs-subform')
      ->pressButton('Add test_content');
    $edit = [
      'label[0][value]' => 'Test usage nested paragraph',
      'paragraphs[0][subform][field_err_field][0][subform][field_paragraphs_text][0][value]' => 'Example text for revision in nested paragraph.',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->pageTextContains('Paragraph Test usage nested paragraph has been created.');

    // Create content with referenced paragraph.
      ->pressButton('Add From library');
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'Test content',
      'field_paragraphs[0][subform][field_reusable_paragraph][0][target_id]' => 'Test usage nested paragraph',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Test content');

    // Check Usage tab.
      ->clickLink('Test usage nested paragraph');
      ->pageTextContains('Entity usage information for Test usage nested paragraph');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(1)', 'Test content &gt; field_paragraphs');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(2)', 'Paragraph');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(3)', 'English');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(4)', 'Reusable paragraph');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(5)', 'Published');

    // Assert breadcrumb.
      ->elementContains('css', '.breadcrumb ol li:nth-child(1)', 'Home');
      ->elementContains('css', '.breadcrumb ol li:nth-child(2)', 'Paragraphs library');
      ->elementContains('css', '.breadcrumb ol li:nth-child(3)', 'Test usage nested paragraph');

    // Unlink library item and check usage tab.
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Test content');
      ->submitForm([], 'Unlink from library');
      'revision' => TRUE,
    ], 'Save');

    // Check Usage tab.
      ->clickLink('Test usage nested paragraph');
      ->pageTextContains('Entity usage information for Test usage nested paragraph');

    // Assert there is a row here indicating that the host node references the
    // paragraph in a non-default revision.
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(1)', 'Test content &gt; field_paragraphs (previous revision)');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(2)', 'Paragraph');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(3)', 'English');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(4)', 'Reusable paragraph');
      ->elementContains('css', 'table tbody tr td:nth-child(5)', 'Published');

   * Test if the usage warning message shows up, when deleting a library item.
  public function testLibraryItemDeleteWarningMessage() {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this

    // Create a paragraph in the library.
      ->pressButton('Add text');
    $edit = [
      'label[0][value]' => 'Test usage warning message',
      'paragraphs[0][subform][field_text][0][value]' => 'Example text.',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->pageTextContains('Paragraph Test usage warning message has been created.');

    // Create content with referenced paragraph.
      ->pressButton('Add From library');
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'Test content',
      'field_paragraphs[0][subform][field_reusable_paragraph][0][target_id]' => 'Test usage warning message',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Test content');
    $library_item = $node

    // Check if there is a warning message on the delete form.
      ->drupalGet('/admin/content/paragraphs/' . $library_item
      ->id() . '/delete');
      ->pageTextContains('There are recorded usages of this entity.');



Namesort descending Description
ParagraphsLibraryItemTest Tests the functionality of the Paragraphs Library.