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d7_field_collection_revisions.yml in Paragraphs 8



View source
  1. id: d7_field_collection_revisions
  2. label: Field Collection Revisions
  3. migration_tags:
  4. - Drupal 7
  5. - Content
  6. - Field Collection Revisions Content
  7. deriver: Drupal\paragraphs\Plugin\migrate\D7FieldCollectionItemDeriver
  8. source:
  9. plugin: d7_field_collection_item_revision
  10. process:
  11. id:
  12. -
  13. plugin: paragraphs_lookup
  14. tags:
  15. - Field Collection Content
  16. source: item_id
  17. -
  18. plugin: extract
  19. index:
  20. - id
  21. type: bundle
  22. # @todo Get the langcode from the parent entity revision.
  23. # See
  24. # langcode: langcode
  25. destination:
  26. plugin: entity_reference_revisions:paragraph
  27. new_revisions: TRUE
  28. migration_dependencies:
  29. required:
  30. - d7_field_collection