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function panopoly_wysiwyg_filter_process_format in Panopoly WYSIWYG 7

Callback for processing the text_format element

1 string reference to 'panopoly_wysiwyg_filter_process_format'
panopoly_wysiwyg_element_info_alter in ./panopoly_wysiwyg.module
Implements of hook_element_info_alter().


./panopoly_wysiwyg.module, line 93


function panopoly_wysiwyg_filter_process_format($element) {

  // Do not auto submit the form due to changes of the filter
  $element['format']['format']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'ctools-auto-submit-exclude';

  // Do not show the guidelines and help text for text formatters
  // Also format this all a bit different so that it looks right
  if (!variable_get('panopoly_wysiwyg_show_format_details', FALSE)) {
    $element['format']['#weight'] = 1;
    $element['format']['#prefix'] = '<div class="clearfix"><div class="format-toggle">';
    $element['format']['#suffix'] = '</div></div>';
    $element['format']['format']['#title'] = 'Editor: ';
    $element['format']['help']['#access'] = FALSE;
    $element['format']['guidelines']['#access'] = FALSE;
  return $element;