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function panopoly_wysiwyg_update_8208 in Panopoly WYSIWYG 8.2

Installs and configures colorbutton plugin.


./panopoly_wysiwyg.install, line 286
Install hooks for Panopoly WYSIWYG.


function panopoly_wysiwyg_update_8208() {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface $module_installer */
  $module_installer = \Drupal::service('module_installer');
  if (!($editor = Editor::load('panopoly_wysiwyg_full'))) {

  // Only update ckeditor.
  if ($editor
    ->getEditor() != 'ckeditor') {
  $settings = $editor

  // Find occurrences of the buttons and groups.
  $text = $bg = $cg = $fg = NULL;
  if (!empty($settings['toolbar']['rows'])) {

    // Look for the "Formatting" group.
    foreach ($settings['toolbar']['rows'] as $rowId => $row) {
      foreach ($row as $groupId => $group) {

        // Find groups.
        if ($cg === NULL && $group['name'] == 'Colors') {
          $cg = [
        if ($cg === NULL && $group['name'] == 'Formatting') {
          $fg = [

        // Find items in group.
        foreach ($group['items'] as $item) {
          if ($text === NULL && $item == 'TextColor') {
            $text = [
          elseif ($bg === NULL && $item == 'BGColor') {
            $bg = [

  // If buttons are already set, bail.
  if ($text && $bg) {
  if (!$text && !$bg) {

    // Neither button exists, create or add to existing group.
    $items = [
    if (!$cg) {
      $group = [
        'name' => 'Colors',
        'items' => $items,
      if (!$fg) {

        // No formatting group, just add the color group.
        $settings['toolbar']['rows'][0][] = $group;
      else {

        // Add color group after formatting group.
        array_splice($settings['toolbar']['rows'][$fg[0]], $fg[1] + 1, 0, [
    else {

      // Merge button into existing group.
      $settings['toolbar']['rows'][$cg[0]][$cg[1]]['items'] = array_merge($settings['toolbar']['rows'][$cg[0]][$cg[1]]['items'], $items);
  elseif (!$text) {

    // Add text color button with bg color button.
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][$bg[0]][$bg[1]]['items'][] = 'TextColor';
  else {

    // Add bg color button with text color button.
    $settings['toolbar']['rows'][$text[0]][$text[1]]['items'][] = 'BGColor';
    ->set('settings', $settings);