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function panopoly_search_update_7007 in Panopoly Search 7

Configure Solr index to use node access by default.


./panopoly_search.install, line 183
Installation file for Panopoly Search


function panopoly_search_update_7007() {
  $index = search_api_index_load('node_index');

  // If the index configuration is stored in the database, update it there.
  if ($index->status & EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) {
    $options = $index->options;

    // Add the node_access field to be indexed.
    $options['fields']['search_api_access_node']['type'] = 'list<string>';
      'options' => $options,

    // If the index is enabled, queue it for re-indexing.
    if ($index->enabled) {
    return t('All items in the search indexes have been queued for reindexing.');