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function panopoly_search_default_search_api_index in Panopoly Search 7

Implements hook_default_search_api_index().


./, line 32


function panopoly_search_default_search_api_index() {
  $items = array();
  $items['database_node_index'] = entity_import('search_api_index', '{
    "name" : "Database Node Index",
    "machine_name" : "database_node_index",
    "description" : null,
    "server" : "database_server",
    "item_type" : "node",
    "options" : {
      "index_directly" : 1,
      "cron_limit" : "20",
      "fields" : {
        "author" : { "type" : "integer", "entity_type" : "user" },
        "body:summary" : { "type" : "text" },
        "body:value" : { "type" : "text" },
        "created" : { "type" : "date" },
        "nid" : { "type" : "integer" },
        "search_api_access_node" : { "type" : "list\\u003Cstring\\u003E" },
        "search_api_language" : { "type" : "string" },
        "search_api_panelizer_content" : { "type" : "text" },
        "search_api_panelizer_title" : { "type" : "text", "boost" : "8.0" },
        "search_api_url" : { "type" : "uri" },
        "search_api_viewed" : { "type" : "text" },
        "status" : { "type" : "boolean" },
        "title" : { "type" : "text", "boost" : "8.0" },
        "type" : { "type" : "string" },
        "url" : { "type" : "uri" }
      "data_alter_callbacks" : {
        "search_api_alter_bundle_filter" : {
          "status" : 0,
          "weight" : "-50",
          "settings" : { "default" : "1", "bundles" : [] }
        "search_api_alter_node_status" : { "status" : 0, "weight" : "-49", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_node_access" : { "status" : 1, "weight" : "-48", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_viewed_entity" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "-47",
          "settings" : { "mode" : "search_index" }
        "panelizer" : { "status" : 1, "weight" : "-46", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_url" : { "status" : 1, "weight" : "-45", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_aggregation" : { "status" : 0, "weight" : "-44", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_hierarchy" : { "status" : 0, "weight" : "-43", "settings" : { "fields" : [] } }
      "processors" : {
        "search_api_case_ignore" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "0",
          "settings" : { "fields" : {
              "title" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_content" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_title" : true,
              "search_api_viewed" : true,
              "body:value" : true,
              "body:summary" : true
        "search_api_html_filter" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "10",
          "settings" : {
            "fields" : {
              "title" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_content" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_title" : true,
              "search_api_viewed" : true,
              "body:value" : true,
              "body:summary" : true
            "title" : 0,
            "alt" : 1,
            "tags" : "h1 = 5\\r\\nh2 = 3\\r\\nh3 = 2\\r\\nstrong = 2\\r\\nb = 2\\r\\nem = 1.5\\r\\nu = 1.5"
        "search_api_transliteration" : { "status" : 0, "weight" : "15", "settings" : { "fields" : [] } },
        "search_api_tokenizer" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "20",
          "settings" : {
            "fields" : {
              "title" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_content" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_title" : true,
              "search_api_viewed" : true,
              "body:value" : true,
              "body:summary" : true
            "spaces" : "[^[:alnum:]]",
            "ignorable" : "[-]"
        "search_api_stopwords" : {
          "status" : 0,
          "weight" : "30",
          "settings" : {
            "fields" : { "title" : true },
            "file" : "",
            "stopwords" : "but\\r\\ndid\\r\\nthe this that those\\r\\netc"
        "search_api_highlighting" : {
          "status" : 0,
          "weight" : "35",
          "settings" : {
            "prefix" : "\\u003Cstrong\\u003E",
            "suffix" : "\\u003C\\/strong\\u003E",
            "excerpt" : 1,
            "excerpt_length" : "256",
            "exclude_fields" : [],
            "highlight" : "always"
    "enabled" : "1",
    "read_only" : "0"
  $items['node_index'] = entity_import('search_api_index', '{
    "name" : "Solr Node Index",
    "machine_name" : "node_index",
    "description" : null,
    "server" : null,
    "item_type" : "node",
    "options" : {
      "index_directly" : 1,
      "cron_limit" : "20",
      "fields" : {
        "author" : { "type" : "integer", "entity_type" : "user" },
        "body:summary" : { "type" : "text" },
        "body:value" : { "type" : "text" },
        "created" : { "type" : "date" },
        "nid" : { "type" : "integer" },
        "search_api_language" : { "type" : "string" },
        "search_api_panelizer_content" : { "type" : "text" },
        "search_api_panelizer_title" : { "type" : "text", "boost" : "8.0" },
        "search_api_url" : { "type" : "uri" },
        "search_api_access_node" : { "type" : "list\\u003Cstring\\u003E" },
        "search_api_viewed" : { "type" : "text" },
        "status" : { "type" : "boolean" },
        "title" : { "type" : "text", "boost" : "8.0" },
        "type" : { "type" : "string" },
        "url" : { "type" : "uri" }
      "data_alter_callbacks" : {
        "search_api_alter_bundle_filter" : {
          "status" : 0,
          "weight" : "-50",
          "settings" : { "default" : "1", "bundles" : [] }
        "search_api_alter_node_status" : { "status" : 0, "weight" : "-49", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_node_access" : { "status" : 1, "weight" : "-48", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_viewed_entity" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "-47",
          "settings" : { "mode" : "search_index" }
        "panelizer" : { "status" : 1, "weight" : "-46", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_url" : { "status" : 1, "weight" : "-45", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_aggregation" : { "status" : 0, "weight" : "-44", "settings" : [] },
        "search_api_alter_add_hierarchy" : { "status" : 0, "weight" : "-43", "settings" : { "fields" : [] } }
      "processors" : {
        "search_api_case_ignore" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "0",
          "settings" : { "fields" : {
              "title" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_content" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_title" : true,
              "search_api_viewed" : true,
              "body:value" : true,
              "body:summary" : true
        "search_api_html_filter" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "10",
          "settings" : {
            "fields" : {
              "title" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_content" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_title" : true,
              "search_api_viewed" : true,
              "body:value" : true,
              "body:summary" : true
            "title" : 0,
            "alt" : 1,
            "tags" : "h1 = 5\\r\\nh2 = 3\\r\\nh3 = 2\\r\\nstrong = 2\\r\\nb = 2\\r\\nem = 1.5\\r\\nu = 1.5"
        "search_api_transliteration" : {
          "status" : 0,
          "weight" : "15",
          "settings" : { "fields" : {
              "title" : true,
              "search_api_viewed" : true,
              "body:value" : true,
              "body:summary" : true
        "search_api_tokenizer" : {
          "status" : 1,
          "weight" : "20",
          "settings" : {
            "fields" : {
              "title" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_content" : true,
              "search_api_panelizer_title" : true,
              "search_api_viewed" : true,
              "body:value" : true,
              "body:summary" : true
            "spaces" : "[^\\\\p{L}\\\\p{N}^\\u0027]",
            "ignorable" : "[-]"
        "search_api_stopwords" : {
          "status" : 0,
          "weight" : "30",
          "settings" : {
            "fields" : { "title" : true, "body:value" : true },
            "file" : "",
            "stopwords" : "but\\r\\ndid\\r\\nthe this that those\\r\\netc"
        "search_api_highlighting" : {
          "status" : 0,
          "weight" : "35",
          "settings" : {
            "prefix" : "\\u003Cstrong\\u003E",
            "suffix" : "\\u003C\\/strong\\u003E",
            "excerpt" : 1,
            "excerpt_length" : "256",
            "exclude_fields" : [],
            "highlight" : "always"
    "enabled" : "0",
    "read_only" : "0"
  return $items;