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class WysiwygSubContext in Panopoly 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/ \WysiwygSubContext

Behat subcontext for testing WYSIWYG.


  • class \WysiwygSubContext extends \Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalSubContextBase

Expanded class hierarchy of WysiwygSubContext


modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/, line 15
Provide Behat step-definitions for WYSIWYG editor.

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class WysiwygSubContext extends DrupalSubContextBase {

   * Get the instance variable to use in Javascript.
   * @param string $instanceId
   *   The instanceId used by the WYSIWYG module to identify the instance.
   * @throws \Exception
   *   Throws an exception if the editor doesn't exist.
   * @return string
   *   A Javascript expression representing the WYSIWYG instance.
  protected function getWysiwygInstance($instanceId) {
    $editorType = $this
    if ($editorType === 'ckeditor') {
      $instance = "CKEDITOR.instances['{$instanceId}']";
    else {
      throw new \Exception("Cannot determine how to get editor instance for '{$instanceId}'");
    if (!$this
      ->evaluateScript("return !!{$instance}")) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('The editor "%s" was not found on the page %s', $instanceId, $this
    return $instance;

   * Gets the type of the WYSIWYG editor.
   * @param string $instanceId
   *   The WYSIWYG editor instance id.
   * @return string
   *   The editor type.
  protected function getEditorType(string $instanceId) {
    try {
      $script = "document.getElementById('{$instanceId}').dataset.editorActiveTextFormat";
      $editorActiveTextFormat = $this
        ->evaluateScript("return {$script}");
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      throw new \Exception("Could not edit active text format for '{$instanceId}'.");
    try {
      $editorType = $this
        ->evaluateScript("return drupalSettings.editor.formats['{$editorActiveTextFormat}'].editor");
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('The editor type for text format "%s" could not be found.', $editorActiveTextFormat));
    return $editorType;

   * Get a Mink Element representing the WYSIWYG toolbar.
   * @param string $instanceId
   *   The instanceId used by the WYSIWYG module to identify the instance.
   * @param string $editorType
   *   Identifies the underlying editor (for example, "tinymce").
   * @throws \Exception
   *   Throws an exception if the toolbar can't be found.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The toolbar DOM Node.
  protected function getWysiwygToolbar($instanceId, $editorType) {
    $driver = $this
    $toolbarElement = NULL;
    switch ($editorType) {
      case 'ckeditor':
        $toolbarElement = $driver
          ->find("//div[@id='cke_{$instanceId}']//span[contains(@class, 'cke_top')]");
        $toolbarElement = !empty($toolbarElement) ? $toolbarElement[0] : NULL;
      case 'tinymce':
        $toolbarElement = $driver
        $toolbarElement = !empty($toolbarElement) ? $toolbarElement[0] : NULL;
      case 'markitup':
        $elementId = 'markItUp' . ucfirst($instanceId);
        $toolbarElement = $driver
        $toolbarElement = !empty($toolbarElement) ? $toolbarElement[0] : NULL;
    if (!$toolbarElement) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('Toolbar for editor "%s" was not found on the page %s', $instanceId, $this
    return $toolbarElement;

   * Types into WYSIWYG editor.
   * @When I type :text in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
  public function iTypeInTheWysiwygEditor($text, $instanceId) {
    $editorType = $this
    $instance = $this

    // Necessary for some WYSIWYG editors (namely, markitup) to be focussed
    // before instance.insert() will do anything.
    if ($editorType === 'ckeditor') {
    else {

   * Selects text in the WYSIWYG editor.
   * @When I select the text in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
  public function iSelectTheTextInTheWysiwygEditor($instanceId) {
    $editorType = $this
    $instance = $this

    // Necessary for some WYSIWYG editors (namely, markitup) to be focussed
    // before instance.insert() will do anything.
    if ($editorType === 'ckeditor') {
      $javascript = <<<JS
const sel = {<span class="php-variable">$instance</span>}.getSelection();
    else {
      throw new \RuntimeException("The editor '{$editorType}' is not supported for this step.");

   * Presses a key in the WYSIWYG editor.
   * @When I press the enter key in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
   * @todo this could be a generic "send a command" step?
  public function iPressTheEnterKeyInTheWysiwygEditor($instanceId) {
    $editorType = $this
    $instance = $this

    // Necessary for some WYSIWYG editors (namely, markitup) to be focussed
    // before instance.insert() will do anything.
    if ($editorType === 'ckeditor') {
    else {
      throw new \RuntimeException("Unknown editor '{$editorType}' to send commands to.");

   * Fills in the WYSIWYG editor with text.
   * @When I fill in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor with :text
  public function iFillInTheWysiwygEditor($instanceId, $text) {
    $instance = $this

   * Clicks a button in a WYSIWYG editor.
   * @When I click the :action button in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
  public function iClickTheButtonInTheWysiwygEditor($action, $instanceId) {
    $driver = $this
    $editorType = $this
    $toolbarElement = $this
      ->getWysiwygToolbar($instanceId, $editorType);

    // Click the action button.
    $button = $toolbarElement
      ->find("xpath", "//a[starts-with(@title, '{$action}')]");
    if (!$button) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('Button "%s" was not found on the page %s', $action, $this
      ->wait(1000, TRUE);

   * Clicks the given CSS selector in a WYSIWYG editor.
   * @When I click the :cssSelector element in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
  public function iClickTheElementInTheWysiwygEditor($cssSelector, $instanceId) {
    $editorType = $this
    $instance = $this
    if ($editorType === 'ckeditor') {
      $javascript = <<<JS
const element = {<span class="php-variable">$instance</span>}.document.findOne('{<span class="php-variable">$cssSelector</span>}').getParent();
{<span class="php-variable">$instance</span>}.getSelection().selectElement(element);
    else {

      // @todo This is tinyMCE specific. We should probably do a switch statement
      // based on $editorType.
      $editor_iframe_id = $instanceId . '_ifr';

      // This Javascript only works on Chrome - not Firefox.
      $javascript = "jQuery('#{$editor_iframe_id}').each(function() {";
      $javascript .= "  jQuery('{$cssSelector}', this.contentWindow.document || this.contentDocument).click();";
      $javascript .= "});";

   * Expands the toolbar in the WYSIWYG editor.
   * @When I expand the toolbar in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
  public function iExpandTheToolbarInTheWysiwygEditor($instanceId) {
    $editorType = $this
    $toolbarElement = $this
      ->getWysiwygToolbar($instanceId, $editorType);

    // @todo This is tinyMCE specific. We should probably switch on
    // $editorType.
    $action = 'Show/hide toolbars';

    // Expand wysiwyg toolbar.
    $button = $toolbarElement
      ->find("xpath", "//a[starts-with(@title, '{$action}')]");
    if (!$button) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('Button "%s" was not found on the page %s', $action, $this
    if (strpos($button
      ->getAttribute('class'), 'cke_button_on') !== FALSE) {

   * Asserts the text in a WYSIWYG editor.
   * @Then I should see :text in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
  public function assertContentInWysiwygEditor($text, $instanceId) {
    $instance = $this
    $content = $this
      ->evaluateScript("return {$instance}.getContent()");
    if (strpos($text, $content) === FALSE) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('The text "%s" was not found in the "%s" WYSWIYG editor on the page %s', $text, $instanceId, $this

   * Asserts that the given text isn't present in a WYSIWYG editor.
   * @Then I should not see :text in the :instanceId WYSIWYG editor
  public function assertContentNotInWysiwygEditor($text, $instanceId) {
    $instance = $this
    $content = $this
      ->evaluateScript("return {$instance}.getContent()");
    if (strpos($text, $content) !== FALSE) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('The text "%s" was found in the "%s" WYSWIYG editor on the page %s', $text, $instanceId, $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
WysiwygSubContext::assertContentInWysiwygEditor public function Asserts the text in a WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::assertContentNotInWysiwygEditor public function Asserts that the given text isn't present in a WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::getEditorType protected function Gets the type of the WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::getWysiwygInstance protected function Get the instance variable to use in Javascript.
WysiwygSubContext::getWysiwygToolbar protected function Get a Mink Element representing the WYSIWYG toolbar.
WysiwygSubContext::iClickTheButtonInTheWysiwygEditor public function Clicks a button in a WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::iClickTheElementInTheWysiwygEditor public function Clicks the given CSS selector in a WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::iExpandTheToolbarInTheWysiwygEditor public function Expands the toolbar in the WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::iFillInTheWysiwygEditor public function Fills in the WYSIWYG editor with text.
WysiwygSubContext::iPressTheEnterKeyInTheWysiwygEditor public function Presses a key in the WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::iSelectTheTextInTheWysiwygEditor public function Selects text in the WYSIWYG editor.
WysiwygSubContext::iTypeInTheWysiwygEditor public function Types into WYSIWYG editor.