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class FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext in Panopoly 7


  • class \FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext extends \Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\RawDrupalContext implements \Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalSubContextInterface

Expanded class hierarchy of FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext


modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/, line 14
Provide Behat step-definitions for Fieldable Panels Panes.

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class FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext extends RawDrupalContext implements DrupalSubContextInterface {

   * Contains the DrupalDriverManager.
   * @var \Drupal\DrupalDriverManager
  private $drupal;

   * An array of Drupal users created by other contexts.
   * @var array
  protected $external_users = array();

   * Initializes context.
  public function __construct(DrupalDriverManager $drupal) {
    $this->drupal = $drupal;

   * Get a Fieldable Panels Pane by admin title.
   * @param string $admin_title
   *   The admin title of the FPP to retrieve.
   * @return object
   *   The Fieldable Panels Pane entity object.
  protected function getFPPByAdminTitle($admin_title) {
    $fpps = fieldable_panels_panes_load_multiple(array(), array(
      'admin_title' => $admin_title,
    if (empty($fpps)) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('Fieldable panels pane "%s" was not found', $admin_title));
    return reset($fpps);

   * Get the list of revisions for a Fieldable Panels Pane.
   * @param int $fpid
   *   The ID for the Fieldable Panels Pane.
  protected function getFPPRevisions($fpid) {
    return db_query("SELECT * FROM {fieldable_panels_panes_revision} WHERE fpid = :fpid", array(
      ':fpid' => $fpid,

   * Record all the users created during this scenario.
   * We need to use this hook so we can get users created in steps on other
   * contexts (most probably the DrupalContext).
   * @AfterUserCreate
  public function afterUserCreate(AfterUserCreateScope $scope) {
    $user = $scope
    $this->external_users[$user->name] = $user;

   * Get a list of UIDs.
   * @return
   *   An array of numeric UIDs of users created by Given... steps during this scenario.
  public function getUIDs() {
    $uids = array();
    foreach ($this->external_users as $user) {
      $uids[] = $user->uid;
    return $uids;

   * Cleans up FPPs.
   * @AfterScenario @api
  public function cleanFPPs($event) {
    $fpids = array();

    // Get UIDs of users created during this scenario.
    $uids = $this
    if (!empty($uids)) {

      // Find any FPPs created by the test users.
      // First, get a list of FPPs with their first revision VID.
      $fpp_vids = db_query('SELECT min(vid) AS vid FROM {fieldable_panels_panes_revision} GROUP BY fpid')
      $vids = array();
      if (!empty($fpp_vids)) {
        foreach ($fpp_vids as $vid) {
          $vids[] = $vid->vid;

        // Then, check whether that first revision was created by a current test user.
        $fpp_fpids = db_query('SELECT fpid FROM {fieldable_panels_panes_revision} WHERE vid IN (:vids) AND uid IN (:uids)', array(
          ':uids' => $uids,
          ':vids' => $vids,
        if (!empty($fpp_fpids)) {
          foreach ($fpp_fpids as $fpid) {
            $fpids[] = $fpid->fpid;

      // Add FPPs created by users to the $fpps variable.
      $fpids = array_unique($fpids);

    // Delete any fieldable panels panes that were created by test users or a Given step.
    foreach ($fpids as $fpid) {

    // Clear out the list.
    $this->external_users = array();

   * @Then fieldable panels pane :admin_title should have :expected_count revision(s)
   * @todo: Can we only allow this to work with @api tests?
  public function assertRevisionCount($admin_title, $expected_count) {
    $fpp = $this
    $revisions = $this
    $actual_count = count($revisions);
    if ($actual_count != $expected_count) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('Fieldable panels pane "%s" has %s revisions (rather than the expected %s)', $admin_title, $actual_count, $expected_count));

   * @Given I am viewing revision :revision_number of fieldable panels pane :admin_title
   * @todo: Can we only allow this to work with @api tests?
  public function iAmViewingFPPRevision($revision_number, $admin_title) {
    $fpp = $this
    $revisions = $this
    $vid = $revisions[$revision_number - 1]->vid;
    $path = "admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes/view/{$fpp->fpid}/revision/{$vid}";



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::$drupal private property Contains the DrupalDriverManager.
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::$external_users protected property An array of Drupal users created by other contexts.
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::afterUserCreate public function Record all the users created during this scenario.
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::assertRevisionCount public function @Then fieldable panels pane :admin_title should have :expected_count revision(s)
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::cleanFPPs public function Cleans up FPPs.
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::getFPPByAdminTitle protected function Get a Fieldable Panels Pane by admin title.
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::getFPPRevisions protected function Get the list of revisions for a Fieldable Panels Pane.
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::getUIDs public function Get a list of UIDs.
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::iAmViewingFPPRevision public function @Given I am viewing revision :revision_number of fieldable panels pane :admin_title
FieldablePanelsPanesSubContext::__construct public function Initializes context.