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function panopoly_magic_preprocess_panels_add_content_modal in Panopoly 7

Preprocess the panels_add_content_modal() function to add the HTML for the preview


modules/panopoly/panopoly_magic/panopoly_magic.module, line 1715


function panopoly_magic_preprocess_panels_add_content_modal(&$vars) {

  // Generate the pane preview
  if (!empty($vars['categories'][$vars['category']]['content'])) {
    $use_preview = variable_get('panopoly_magic_pane_add_preview', PANOPOLY_ADD_PREVIEW_DEFAULT);
    if ($use_preview == PANOPOLY_ADD_PREVIEW_DISABLED) {

    // Generate the preview for the single widget if requested.
    if ($use_preview == PANOPOLY_ADD_PREVIEW_SINGLE) {
      $query = drupal_get_query_parameters();
      $type_name = !empty($query['type_name']) ? $query['type_name'] : '';
      $sub_type = !empty($query['subtype_name']) ? $query['subtype_name'] : '';
      $widget_vars = array(
        'type_name' => $type_name,
        'subtype_name' => $sub_type,
      _panopoly_magic_render_preview_pane($widget_vars, $vars['renderer']);
      $vars['column_count'] = 1;
      $vars['preview_single'] = isset($widget_vars['preview']) ? $widget_vars['preview'] : '';
      $vars['preview_single_title'] = '';
      foreach ($vars['categories'][$vars['category']]['content'] as $key => $widget_vars) {
        if ($widget_vars['type_name'] == $type_name && $widget_vars['subtype_name'] == $sub_type) {
          $vars['preview_single_title'] = $key;

    // Process each widget option, either adding the preview itself or a link to generate it.
    foreach ($vars['categories'][$vars['category']]['content'] as $key => &$widget_vars) {
      $query = drupal_get_query_parameters();
      $preview_panes = !empty($query['preview_panes']) ? explode(',', $query['preview_panes']) : array();

      // Determine if we should show a preview for this pane.
      if ($use_preview == PANOPOLY_ADD_PREVIEW_SINGLE) {

        // Convert the link to generate a preview of itself.
        $options = array(
          'query' => array(
            'panopoly_magic_preview' => _panopoly_magic_add_content_preview_mode_name($use_preview),
            'type_name' => $widget_vars['type_name'],
            'subtype_name' => $widget_vars['subtype_name'],
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
              'use-ajax button',
          'html' => TRUE,
        $widget_vars['title'] = l(t('<span class="element-invisible">Preview</span> !widget <span class="element-invisible">widget</span>', array(
          '!widget' => filter_xss_admin($widget_vars['title']),
        )), current_path(), $options);
      elseif ($use_preview == PANOPOLY_ADD_PREVIEW_AUTOMATIC || in_array($widget_vars['subtype_name'], $preview_panes)) {
        _panopoly_magic_render_preview_pane($widget_vars, $vars['renderer']);
      else {

        // If we can't preview then generate a preview link.
        $preview = empty($query['preview_panes']) ? $widget_vars['subtype_name'] : $query['preview_panes'] . ',' . $widget_vars['subtype_name'];
        $options = array(
          'query' => array(
            'panopoly_magic_preview' => _panopoly_magic_add_content_preview_mode_name($use_preview),
            'preview_panes' => $preview,
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
              'use-ajax button',
            'title' => t('Preview @widget widget', array(
              '@widget' => $key,
          'html' => TRUE,
        $widget_vars['preview'] = '<div class="modal-content-preview-button">' . l(t('Preview <span class="element-invisible">!widget widget</span>', array(
          '!widget' => filter_xss_admin($key),
        )), current_path(), $options) . '</div>';