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function panopoly_admin_menu_alter in Panopoly 7

Implementation of hook_menu_alter()


modules/panopoly/panopoly_admin/panopoly_admin.module, line 455


function panopoly_admin_menu_alter(&$items) {

  // Set the description of the page library
  $items['admin/panopoly/pages']['description'] = 'This is the page library for the site. See your landing pages, page templates, and overriden page templates.';

  // Set the description of the layout library
  $items['admin/panopoly/layouts']['description'] = 'This is the layout library for the site. See your preset and custom layouts.';

  // Set the description of the pane library
  $items['admin/panopoly/panes']['description'] = 'This is the pane library for the site. See all of the panes you can add to your pages.';

  // Adjust the "Pages" page created by Panels to have a more specific permission set
  $items['admin/structure/pages']['access arguments'] = array(
    'administer page manager',

  // Adjust the "Configuration" page to only show when the user can change the configuration options
  $items['admin/config']['access arguments'] = array(
    'administer site configuration',