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function panels_everywhere_default_page_manager_handlers in Panels Everywhere 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \panels_everywhere_default_page_manager_handlers()

Implementation of hook_default_page_manager_handlers()


./, line 11
Bulk export of pages_default objects generated by Bulk export module.


function panels_everywhere_default_page_manager_handlers() {
  if (!variable_get('panels_everywhere_provide_sample', FALSE)) {
  $handler = new stdClass();
  $handler->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default handler disabled initially */
  $handler->api_version = 1;
  $handler->name = 'site_template_panel_context_basic';
  $handler->task = 'site_template';
  $handler->subtask = '';
  $handler->handler = 'panel_context';
  $handler->weight = 0;
  $handler->conf = array(
    'title' => 'Sample variant',
    'no_blocks' => 1,
    'css_id' => 'page-wrapper',
    'css' => '/* Set a fixed overall width. */
  #page-wrapper > .panel-flexible-inside {
    width: 1020px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

   * Add some margin to the default main content row. This class was set in the
   * layout designer.
  #page-wrapper .main-content {
    padding: 0 10px;
    'contexts' => array(),
    'relationships' => array(),
    'access' => array(
      'plugins' => array(),
      'logic' => 'and',
    'pipeline' => 'standard',
  $display = new panels_display();
  $display->layout = 'flexible';
  $display->layout_settings = array(
    'items' => array(
      'canvas' => array(
        'type' => 'row',
        'contains' => 'column',
        'children' => array(
          0 => 'main',
        'parent' => NULL,
        'class' => '',
        'column_class' => '',
        'row_class' => '',
        'region_class' => '',
        'no_scale' => FALSE,
        'fixed_width' => '',
        'column_separation' => '0.5em',
        'region_separation' => '0.5em',
        'row_separation' => '0.5em',
      'main' => array(
        'type' => 'column',
        'width' => 100,
        'width_type' => '%',
        'children' => array(
          0 => 1,
          1 => 'main-row',
        'parent' => 'canvas',
      'main-row' => array(
        'type' => 'row',
        'contains' => 'region',
        'children' => array(
          0 => 'content',
          1 => 'sidebar',
        'parent' => 'main',
        'class' => 'main-content',
      'content' => array(
        'type' => 'region',
        'title' => 'Content',
        'width' => '100',
        'width_type' => '%',
        'parent' => 'main-row',
        'class' => '',
      'sidebar' => array(
        'type' => 'region',
        'title' => 'Sidebar',
        'width' => '200',
        'width_type' => 'px',
        'parent' => 'main-row',
      1 => array(
        'type' => 'row',
        'contains' => 'region',
        'children' => array(
          0 => 'header',
        'parent' => 'main',
        'class' => 'header',
      'header' => array(
        'type' => 'region',
        'title' => 'Header',
        'width' => 100,
        'width_type' => '%',
        'parent' => '1',
  $display->panel_settings = array(
    'style_settings' => array(
      'default' => NULL,
      'content' => NULL,
      'sidebar' => NULL,
      'header' => NULL,
  $display->cache = array();
  $display->title = '';
  $display->uuid = 'b7a19104-fe55-48c8-8595-cb4eec2bc950';
  $display->storage_type = 'page_manager';
  $display->storage_id = 'site_template_panel_context_basic';
  $display->content = array();
  $display->panels = array();
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-615aebd8-d9c7-457c-bc0a-dcf6be768907';
  $pane->panel = 'content';
  $pane->type = 'pane_messages';
  $pane->subtype = 'pane_messages';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array();
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 0;
  $pane->locks = '';
  $pane->uuid = '615aebd8-d9c7-457c-bc0a-dcf6be768907';
  $display->content['new-615aebd8-d9c7-457c-bc0a-dcf6be768907'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['content'][0] = 'new-615aebd8-d9c7-457c-bc0a-dcf6be768907';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-18fd043f-0b34-4c97-b877-bff0561a8210';
  $pane->panel = 'content';
  $pane->type = 'page_content';
  $pane->subtype = 'page_content';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array(
    'context' => 'argument_page_content_1',
    'override_title' => 1,
    'override_title_text' => '',
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 1;
  $pane->locks = '';
  $pane->uuid = '18fd043f-0b34-4c97-b877-bff0561a8210';
  $display->content['new-18fd043f-0b34-4c97-b877-bff0561a8210'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['content'][1] = 'new-18fd043f-0b34-4c97-b877-bff0561a8210';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-d3681816-70ae-421c-94e8-16d00253cef0';
  $pane->panel = 'header';
  $pane->type = 'pane_header';
  $pane->subtype = 'pane_header';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array();
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 0;
  $pane->locks = '';
  $pane->uuid = 'd3681816-70ae-421c-94e8-16d00253cef0';
  $display->content['new-d3681816-70ae-421c-94e8-16d00253cef0'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['header'][0] = 'new-d3681816-70ae-421c-94e8-16d00253cef0';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-00309a3f-2206-481d-bf6d-4bde965688c7';
  $pane->panel = 'header';
  $pane->type = 'pane_navigation';
  $pane->subtype = 'pane_navigation';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array();
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 1;
  $pane->locks = '';
  $pane->uuid = '00309a3f-2206-481d-bf6d-4bde965688c7';
  $display->content['new-00309a3f-2206-481d-bf6d-4bde965688c7'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['header'][1] = 'new-00309a3f-2206-481d-bf6d-4bde965688c7';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-d7888fba-06bb-4a7a-bd67-9f418c64d4a7';
  $pane->panel = 'sidebar';
  $pane->type = 'block';
  $pane->subtype = 'search-form';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array(
    'override_title' => 0,
    'override_title_text' => '',
    'override_title_heading' => 'h2',
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 0;
  $pane->locks = array();
  $pane->uuid = 'd7888fba-06bb-4a7a-bd67-9f418c64d4a7';
  $display->content['new-d7888fba-06bb-4a7a-bd67-9f418c64d4a7'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['sidebar'][0] = 'new-d7888fba-06bb-4a7a-bd67-9f418c64d4a7';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-25d4ff2c-197f-4849-843c-b3e73134c4e7';
  $pane->panel = 'sidebar';
  $pane->type = 'block';
  $pane->subtype = 'user-login';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array(
    'override_title' => 0,
    'override_title_text' => '',
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 1;
  $pane->locks = '';
  $pane->uuid = '25d4ff2c-197f-4849-843c-b3e73134c4e7';
  $display->content['new-25d4ff2c-197f-4849-843c-b3e73134c4e7'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['sidebar'][1] = 'new-25d4ff2c-197f-4849-843c-b3e73134c4e7';
  $pane = new stdClass();
  $pane->pid = 'new-7aa99e81-8eca-4507-89fc-0188cb996d2d';
  $pane->panel = 'sidebar';
  $pane->type = 'block';
  $pane->subtype = 'system-navigation';
  $pane->shown = TRUE;
  $pane->access = array();
  $pane->configuration = array(
    'override_title' => 0,
    'override_title_text' => '',
  $pane->cache = array();
  $pane->style = array(
    'settings' => NULL,
  $pane->css = array();
  $pane->extras = array();
  $pane->position = 2;
  $pane->locks = '';
  $pane->uuid = '7aa99e81-8eca-4507-89fc-0188cb996d2d';
  $display->content['new-7aa99e81-8eca-4507-89fc-0188cb996d2d'] = $pane;
  $display->panels['sidebar'][2] = 'new-7aa99e81-8eca-4507-89fc-0188cb996d2d';
  $display->hide_title = PANELS_TITLE_PANE;
  $display->title_pane = 'new-18fd043f-0b34-4c97-b877-bff0561a8210';
  $handler->conf['display'] = $display;
  $handlers[$handler->name] = $handler;
  return $handlers;