function panels_breadcrumbs_build_breadcrumb in Panels Breadcrumbs 7.2
Builds a custom breadcrumb from the provided contexts and configuration.
array $conf: An array containing:
- panels_breadcrumbs_title: A string containing a series of titles separated by a line break.
- panels_breadcrumbs_paths: A string containing a series of paths separated by a line break.
- panels_breadcrumbs_home: A boolean that enables the display of an 'Home' root link on the breadcrumb.
- panels_breadcrumbs_menu_active_trail: A boolean that enables menu active trail as prefix.
array $contexts: A ctools contexts array.
bool $override: A boolean that makes this breadcrumb configuration override the global settings.
Return value
mixed A properly structured array of links as expected by theme_breadcrumb(), or FALSE if the breadcrumb could not be built with the given configuration.
3 calls to panels_breadcrumbs_build_breadcrumb()
- panels_breadcrumbs_ctools_render_alter in ./
panels_breadcrumbs.module - Implements hook_ctools_render_alter().
- panels_breadcrumbs_page_breadcrumb_content_type_render in ./
panels_breadcrumbs.module - Render callback override of 'page_breadcrumb' ctools content-type.
- panels_breadcrumbs_panelizer_pre_render_alter in ./
panels_breadcrumbs.module - Implements hook_panelizer_pre_render_alter().
- ./
panels_breadcrumbs.module, line 171 - Main file for panels breadcrumbs module.
function panels_breadcrumbs_build_breadcrumb(array $conf, array $contexts, $override = FALSE) {
$breadcrumbs =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
if (empty($breadcrumbs)) {
// If no titles or paths are defined, bail out.
if (!isset($conf['panels_breadcrumbs_titles']) || !isset($conf['panels_breadcrumbs_paths'])) {
// Do not store anything in the static $breadcrumbs variable, in order to
// allow a possible fallback with another breadcrumb configuration.
return FALSE;
// The configuration is active and is the first triggered, so we don't allow
// another breadcrumb configuration to override it by setting the static
// variable.
$breadcrumbs = array();
// Look for placeholder tokens in paths and convert them for this display.
$titles = $conf['panels_breadcrumbs_titles'];
$paths = ctools_context_keyword_substitute($conf['panels_breadcrumbs_paths'], array(), $contexts);
// Break titles and paths into arrays and remove empty keys.
$titles = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", $titles)), 'strlen');
$paths = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", $paths)), 'strlen');
// We add in path as although it is not used to render breadcrumbs, it is
// required by user_menu_breadcrumb_alter().
$default_breadcrumb_info = array(
'title' => '',
'href' => '',
'localized_options' => array(),
'path' => '',
$breadcrumbs_info = array();
// Set the first crumb to home.
if (!isset($conf['panels_breadcrumbs_home']) || $conf['panels_breadcrumbs_home'] == TRUE) {
$breadcrumbs_info[] = array(
'title' => t('Home'),
'href' => '<front>',
) + $default_breadcrumb_info;
// Iterate through all crumbs and add them to the breadcrumb.
foreach ($titles as $key => $title) {
// Translate the title and convert existing placeholder tokens afterwards.
$translated_title = t('@title', array(
'@title' => $title,
$translated_title = ctools_context_keyword_substitute($translated_title, array(), $contexts);
if (empty($translated_title)) {
$translated_title = html_entity_decode(trim($translated_title), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$path = empty($paths[$key]) ? '<none>' : trim($paths[$key]);
$breadcrumbs_info[] = array(
'title' => $translated_title,
'href' => $path,
) + $default_breadcrumb_info;
// Allow other modules to intercept and operate changes in the breadcrumb.
$breadcrumb_info_end = end($breadcrumbs_info);
drupal_alter('menu_breadcrumb', $breadcrumbs_info, $breadcrumb_info_end);
// Finally, render the breadcrumb.
foreach ($breadcrumbs_info as $crumb) {
if (isset($crumb['href']) && $crumb['href'] == '<none>') {
$crumb['localized_options'] += array(
'attributes' => array(),
'html' => TRUE,
$attributes = drupal_attributes($crumb['localized_options']['attributes']);
$content = $crumb['localized_options']['html'] ? filter_xss_admin($crumb['title']) : check_plain($crumb['title']);
$breadcrumbs[] = sprintf('<span %s>%s</span>', $attributes, $content);
else {
$breadcrumbs[] = l($crumb['title'], $crumb['href'], $crumb['localized_options']);
// Optionally override the global breadcrumb configuration.
if ($override) {
if (!isset($conf['panels_breadcrumbs_menu_active_trail']) || $conf['panels_breadcrumbs_menu_active_trail'] == TRUE) {
$prefix = menu_get_active_breadcrumb();
$breadcrumbs = array_merge($prefix, $breadcrumbs);
return $breadcrumbs;