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function panels_flexible_get_css_group in Panels 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 plugins/layouts/flexible/ \panels_flexible_get_css_group()

Construct an array with all of the CSS properties for a group.

This will parse down into children and produce all of the CSS needed if you start from the top.

3 calls to panels_flexible_get_css_group()
panels_ajax_flexible_edit_add in plugins/layouts/flexible/
AJAX responder to add a new row, column or region to a flexible layout.
panels_ajax_flexible_edit_remove in plugins/layouts/flexible/
Panels remove AJAX responder.
panels_flexible_render_css_group in plugins/layouts/flexible/
Render the CSS for a group of items to be displayed together.


plugins/layouts/flexible/, line 829
Flexible layout plugin.


function panels_flexible_get_css_group(&$css, $renderer, $list, $owner_id, $type, $item_id) {
  if ($type != 'row') {

    // Go through our items and break up into right/center/right groups so we
    // can figure out our offsets.
    // right == any items on the right that are 'fixed'.
    // middle == all fluid items.
    // right == any items on the right that are 'fixed'.
    $left = $middle = $right = array();
    $left_total = $right_total = $middle_total = 0;
    $current = 'left';
    foreach ($list as $id) {
      if ($renderer->settings['items'][$id]['width_type'] == 'px') {

        // Fixed:
        if ($current == 'left') {
          $left[] = $id;
          $renderer->positions[$id] = 'left';
          $left_total += $renderer->settings['items'][$id]['width'];
        else {
          $current = 'right';
          $right[] = $id;
          $renderer->positions[$id] = 'right';
          $right_total += $renderer->settings['items'][$id]['width'];
      else {

        // Fluid:
        if ($current != 'right') {
          $current = 'middle';
          $middle[] = $id;
          $renderer->positions[$id] = 'middle';
          $middle_total += $renderer->settings['items'][$id]['width'];

        // Fall through: if current is 'right' and we ran into a 'fluid' then
        // it gets *dropped* because that is invalid.

    // Go through our right sides and create CSS.
    foreach ($left as $id) {
      $class = "." . $renderer->base[$type] . "-{$id}";
      $css[$class] = array(
        'position' => 'relative',
        'float' => 'left',
        'background-color' => 'transparent',
        'width' => $renderer->settings['items'][$id]['width'] . "px",

    // Do the same for right.
    $right_pixels = 0;
    foreach ($right as $id) {
      $class = "." . $renderer->base[$type] . "-{$id}";
      $css[$class] = array(
        'float' => 'left',
        'width' => $renderer->settings['items'][$id]['width'] . "px",
    $max = count($middle) - 1;
    if ($middle_total) {

      // Because we love IE so much, auto scale everything to 99%. This
      // means adding up the actual widths and then providing a multiplier
      // to each so that the total is 99%.
      $scale = $renderer->scale_base / $middle_total;
      foreach ($middle as $position => $id) {
        $class = "." . $renderer->base[$type] . "-{$id}";
        $css[$class] = array(
          'float' => 'left',
          'width' => number_format($renderer->settings['items'][$id]['width'] * $scale, 4, '.', '') . "%",

        // Store this so we can use it later.
        // @todo: Store the scale, not the new width, so .js can adjust
        // bi-directionally.
        $renderer->scale[$id] = $scale;

    // If there is any total remaining, we need to offset the splitter
    // by this much too.
    if ($left_total) {

      // Add this even if it's 0 so we can handle removals.
      $css["{$owner_id}-inside"]['padding-left'] = '0px';
      if ($renderer->admin || count($middle)) {
        $css["{$owner_id}-middle"]['margin-left'] = $left_total . 'px';

        // IE hack!
        $css["* html {$owner_id}-left"]['left'] = $left_total . "px";

        // Make this one very specific to the admin CSS so that preview
        // does not stomp it.
        $css[".panel-flexible-admin {$owner_id}-inside"]['padding-left'] = '0px';
      else {
        $css["{$owner_id}-inside"]['margin-left'] = '-' . $left_total . 'px';
        $css["{$owner_id}-inside"]['padding-left'] = $left_total . 'px';

        // IE hack!
        $css["* html {$owner_id}-inside"]['left'] = $left_total . "px";
    if ($right_total) {
      $css["{$owner_id}-middle"]['margin-right'] = $right_total . 'px';
    $css["{$owner_id}-inside"]['padding-right'] = '0px';

  // If the canvas has a fixed width set, and this is the canvas, fix the
  // width.
  if ($item_id == 'canvas') {
    $item = $renderer->settings['items'][$item_id];
    if (!empty($item['fixed_width']) && intval($item['fixed_width'])) {
      $css['.' . $renderer->base['canvas']]['width'] = intval($item['fixed_width']) . 'px';
    else {
      $css['.' . $renderer->base['canvas']]['width'] = 'auto';

  // Go through each item and process children.
  foreach ($list as $id) {
    $item = $renderer->settings['items'][$id];
    if (empty($item['children'])) {
    if ($type == 'column') {

      // Columns can only contain rows.
      $child_type = 'row';
    else {
      $child_type = isset($item['contains']) ? $item['contains'] : 'region';
    $class = "." . $renderer->base[$type] . "-{$id}";
    panels_flexible_get_css_group($css, $renderer, $item['children'], $class, $child_type, $id);