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function _panels_page_menu_router_build in Panels 6.2

Modified version of _menu_router_build();

1 call to _panels_page_menu_router_build()
_panels_page_menu_alter in panels_page/
Workhorse function for hook_menu_alter(); separated out here to reduce code weight.


panels_page/, line 469


function _panels_page_menu_router_build($callbacks, $panels_matches) {
  $menu = array();
  $sort = array();
  foreach ($panels_matches as $path => $match) {
    $item = $callbacks[$path];
    $load_functions = array();
    $to_arg_functions = array();
    $fit = 0;
    $move = FALSE;
    $parts = explode('/', $path, MENU_MAX_PARTS);
    $number_parts = count($parts);

    // We store the highest index of parts here to save some work in the fit
    // calculation loop.
    $slashes = $number_parts - 1;

    // Extract load and to_arg functions.
    foreach ($parts as $k => $part) {
      $match = FALSE;
      if (preg_match('/^%([a-z_]*)$/', $part, $matches)) {
        if (empty($matches[1])) {
          $match = TRUE;
          $load_functions[$k] = NULL;
        else {
          if (function_exists($matches[1] . '_to_arg')) {
            $to_arg_functions[$k] = $matches[1] . '_to_arg';
            $load_functions[$k] = NULL;
            $match = TRUE;
          if (function_exists($matches[1] . '_load')) {
            $function = $matches[1] . '_load';

            // Create an array of arguments that will be passed to the _load
            // function when this menu path is checked, if 'load arguments'
            // exists.
            $load_functions[$k] = isset($item['load arguments']) ? array(
              $function => $item['load arguments'],
            ) : $function;
            $match = TRUE;
      if ($match) {
        $parts[$k] = '%';
      else {
        $fit |= 1 << $slashes - $k;
    if ($fit) {
      $move = TRUE;
    else {

      // If there is no %, it fits maximally.
      $fit = (1 << $number_parts) - 1;
    $masks[$fit] = 1;
    $item['load_functions'] = empty($load_functions) ? '' : serialize($load_functions);
    $item['to_arg_functions'] = empty($to_arg_functions) ? '' : serialize($to_arg_functions);
    $item += array(
      'title' => '',
      'weight' => 0,
      'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
      '_number_parts' => $number_parts,
      '_parts' => $parts,
      '_fit' => $fit,
    $item += array(
      '_visible' => (bool) ($item['type'] & MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB),
      '_tab' => (bool) ($item['type'] & MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK),
    if ($move) {
      $new_path = implode('/', $item['_parts']);
      $menu[$new_path] = $item;
      $sort[$new_path] = $number_parts;
    else {
      $menu[$path] = $item;
      $sort[$path] = $number_parts;
  array_multisort($sort, SORT_NUMERIC, $menu);
  if (!$menu) {

    // We must have a serious error - there is no data to save.
    watchdog('php', 'The specialized Panels menu router rebuild failed. Some paths may not work correctly.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return array();
  db_query('DELETE FROM {panels_page_router_store}');
  foreach ($menu as $path => $v) {
    $item =& $menu[$path];
    if (!$item['_tab']) {

      // Non-tab items.
      $item['tab_parent'] = '';
      $item['tab_root'] = $path;
    for ($i = $item['_number_parts'] - 1; $i; $i--) {
      $parent_path = implode('/', array_slice($item['_parts'], 0, $i));
      if (isset($menu[$parent_path])) {
        $parent = $menu[$parent_path];
        if (!isset($item['tab_parent'])) {

          // Parent stores the parent of the path.
          $item['tab_parent'] = $parent_path;
        if (!isset($item['tab_root']) && !$parent['_tab']) {
          $item['tab_root'] = $parent_path;

        // If an access callback is not found for a default local task we use
        // the callback from the parent, since we expect them to be identical.
        // In all other cases, the access parameters must be specified.
        if ($item['type'] == MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK && !isset($item['access callback']) && isset($parent['access callback'])) {
          $item['access callback'] = $parent['access callback'];
          if (!isset($item['access arguments']) && isset($parent['access arguments'])) {
            $item['access arguments'] = $parent['access arguments'];

        // Same for page callbacks.
        if (!isset($item['page callback']) && isset($parent['page callback'])) {
          $item['page callback'] = $parent['page callback'];
          if (!isset($item['page arguments']) && isset($parent['page arguments'])) {
            $item['page arguments'] = $parent['page arguments'];
          if (!isset($item['file']) && isset($parent['file'])) {
            $item['file'] = $parent['file'];
          if (!isset($item['file path']) && isset($parent['file path'])) {
            $item['file path'] = $parent['file path'];
    if (!isset($item['access callback']) && isset($item['access arguments'])) {

      // Default callback.
      $item['access callback'] = 'user_access';
    if (!isset($item['access callback']) || empty($item['page callback'])) {
      $item['access callback'] = 0;
    if (is_bool($item['access callback'])) {
      $item['access callback'] = intval($item['access callback']);
    $item += array(
      'access arguments' => array(),
      'access callback' => '',
      'page arguments' => array(),
      'page callback' => '',
      'block callback' => '',
      'title arguments' => array(),
      'title callback' => 't',
      'description' => '',
      'position' => '',
      'tab_parent' => '',
      'tab_root' => $path,
      'path' => $path,
      'file' => '',
      'file path' => '',
      'include file' => '',

    // Calculate out the file to be included for each callback, if any.
    if ($item['file']) {
      $file_path = $item['file path'] ? $item['file path'] : drupal_get_path('module', $item['module']);
      $item['include file'] = $file_path . '/' . $item['file'];
    $title_arguments = $item['title arguments'] ? serialize($item['title arguments']) : '';
    db_query("INSERT INTO {panels_page_router_store}\n      (path, load_functions, to_arg_functions, access_callback,\n      access_arguments, page_callback, page_arguments, fit,\n      number_parts, tab_parent, tab_root,\n      title, title_callback, title_arguments,\n      type, block_callback, description, position, weight, file)\n      VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s',\n      '%s', '%s', '%s', %d,\n      %d, '%s', '%s',\n      '%s', '%s', '%s',\n      %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s')", $path, $item['load_functions'], $item['to_arg_functions'], $item['access callback'], serialize($item['access arguments']), $item['page callback'], serialize($item['page arguments']), $item['_fit'], $item['_number_parts'], $item['tab_parent'], $item['tab_root'], $item['title'], $item['title callback'], $title_arguments, $item['type'], $item['block callback'], $item['description'], $item['position'], $item['weight'], $item['include file']);