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README.txt in Panels 8.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.4 panels_ipe/fonts/README.txt
Our icon font file (ipeicons.woff) is auto-generated from

If you wish to add or change an icon in ipeicons.woof, visit and import the selection.json file. You can
then import new SVGs to add to the font from your preferred source.

If IcoMoon ever goes offline, we can move to using the full Google Material
icons font, which is larger but potentially easier to maintain than what we do


View source
  1. Our icon font file (ipeicons.woff) is auto-generated from
  2. If you wish to add or change an icon in ipeicons.woof, visit
  3. and import the selection.json file. You can
  4. then import new SVGs to add to the font from your preferred source.
  5. If IcoMoon ever goes offline, we can move to using the full Google Material
  6. icons font, which is larger but potentially easier to maintain than what we do
  7. now.