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43 calls to panels_get_path() in Panels 5.2

panels_add_button in ./panels.module
Add a single button to a form.
panels_add_content in includes/
panels_admin_content_types_custom in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_custom_php in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_form in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_attachments in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_book_nav in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_comments in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_comment_form in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_content in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_form in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_meta in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_node_type_desc in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_term_description in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_term_list in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_user_picture in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_user_profile in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_admin_content_types_vocabulary_terms in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_choose_layout in includes/
Form definition for the display layout editor.
panels_common_add_context_js in includes/
panels_common_settings in includes/
A common settings page for Panels modules, because this code is relevant to any modules that don't already have special requirements.
panels_common_set_allowed_layouts in includes/
panels_edit_display in includes/
Form definition for the panels display editor
panels_flexible_settings_form in layouts/
panels_load_include in ./panels.module
Load a panels include file.
panels_menu in ./panels.module
Implementation of hook_menu
panels_mini_content_types in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Return each available mini panel available as a subtype.
panels_mini_context_form in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Form to edit the context settings of a mini panel.
panels_mini_edit_form in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Form to edit the settings of a mini panel.
panels_node_context_form in panels_node/panels_node.module
The form to edit the context settings of a panel node.
panels_page_advanced_form in panels_page/
The form to edit the advanced settings of a panel page.
panels_page_context_form in panels_page/
The form to edit the context settings of a panel page.
panels_page_edit_form in panels_page/
The form to edit the page portion of a panel.
panels_panel_settings in includes/
Form to edit panel style settings.
panels_print_layout_icon in ./panels.module
panels_print_layout_link in ./panels.module
Print the layout link. Sends out to a theme function. @layout
panels_profile_fields_content_type in content_types/
Return all content types available.
panels_render_layout in ./panels.module
Given a full layout structure and a content array, render a panel display.
panels_views_content_types in panels_views/panels_views.module
Return a list of each view type we support.
theme_panels_export_export_form in panels_export/panels_export.module
theme_panels_hidden in includes/
theme_rounded_corners_css in styles/
Generates the dynamic CSS.
_panels_js_files in includes/
Includes required JavaScript libraries.