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function panelizer_form_field_ui_display_overview_form_alter in Panelizer 7.3

Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().

Check whether a given view mode is panelized. Set an error message if there are un-hidden fields because they won't be printed anyway.


./panelizer.module, line 203
The Panelizer module attaches panels to entities, providing default panels and allowing each panel to be configured independently by privileged users.


function panelizer_form_field_ui_display_overview_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (!empty($form['#entity_type']) && !empty($form['#bundle']) && !empty($form['#view_mode'])) {
    if (panelizer_view_mode_extra_field_displays($form['#entity_type'], $form['#bundle'], $form['#view_mode'])) {
      $message = t("This view mode is being controlled via Panelizer. For performance reasons, it is recommended to move all fields to 'hidden'. Fields not marked as hidden will be prepared for output but will not actually output, thus needlessly increasing render and page load time.");
      drupal_set_message($message, 'error', FALSE);