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function panelizer_entity_plugin_process in Panelizer 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 panelizer.module \panelizer_entity_plugin_process()

CTools process callback for an entity plugin.

This adds configuration data to the plugin so that we know what bundles it is enabled for.

1 call to panelizer_entity_plugin_process()
PanelizerTestHelper::togglePanelizer in tests/panelizer.helper.test
Helper function to quickly enable or disable Panelizer for an entity type.
1 string reference to 'panelizer_entity_plugin_process'
panelizer_ctools_plugin_type in ./panelizer.module
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().


./panelizer.module, line 637
The Panelizer module attaches panels to entities, providing default panels and allowing each panel to be configured independently by privileged users.


function panelizer_entity_plugin_process(&$plugin, $info) {
  $entity_type = $plugin['name'];
  $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
  $plugin['bundles'] = array();
  if ($entity_info) {
    foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle => $label) {
      if ($settings = variable_get('panelizer_defaults_' . $entity_type . '_' . $bundle, array())) {

        // Translate from settings that existed prior to view mode support.
        if (empty($settings['view modes'])) {
          $old_settings = $settings;
          $settings = array(
            'view modes' => array(),
          if (empty($plugin['uses page manager'])) {
            $settings['view modes']['default'] = $old_settings;
          else {
            $settings['view modes']['page_manager'] = $old_settings;
          $settings['status'] = $old_settings['status'];
        $plugin['bundles'][$bundle] = $settings;

        // Build the custom settings of the view modes for this bundle.
        $view_mode_settings = field_view_mode_settings($entity_type, $bundle);
        foreach ($entity_info['view modes'] as $view_mode_name => $view_mode_info) {
          $plugin['view mode status'][$bundle][$view_mode_name] = !empty($view_mode_settings[$view_mode_name]['custom_settings']);

    // Add our fake view modes.
    $plugin['view modes'] = array(
      'page_manager' => array(
        'label' => t('Full page override'),
      'default' => array(
        'label' => t('Default'),
    if (!empty($entity_info['view modes'])) {
      foreach ($entity_info['view modes'] as $view_mode => $view_mode_info) {
        $plugin['view modes'][$view_mode] = $view_mode_info;

    // It seems silly to unset this after but the logic is cleaner to read.
    if (empty($plugin['uses page manager'])) {
      unset($plugin['view modes']['page_manager']);
  drupal_alter('panelizer_entity_plugin_process', $plugin, $info);