function panelizer_update_7119 in Panelizer 7.3
Fix any {panelizer_entity} records that were broken by update 7115. This may take some time.
- ./
panelizer.install, line 913 - Install, update and uninstall functions for the panelizer module.
function panelizer_update_7119(&$sandbox) {
// Process records by groups of 10 (arbitrary value).
$limit = 10;
// When ran through Drush it's Ok to process a larger number of objects at a
// time.
if (drupal_is_cli()) {
$limit = 100;
// The update hasn't been ran before.
if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
// The count of records visited so far.
$sandbox['progress'] = 0;
// Load any 'panelizer_entity' values that are corrupt.
$records = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT entity_type, entity_id\n FROM {panelizer_entity}\n WHERE contexts LIKE 's:%'\n OR relationships LIKE 's:%'\n OR extra LIKE 's:%'");
// If there are no records, there's nothing to do.
if ($records
->rowCount() == 0) {
return t('No {panelizer_entity} records were corrupted by update 7115.');
// Total records that must be processed.
$sandbox['max'] = $records
watchdog('panelizer', 'Need to fix {panelizer_entity} records for @count entities that were damaged by update 7115.', array(
'@count' => $records
// Get a small batch of records.
$records = db_query_range("SELECT DISTINCT entity_type, entity_id\n FROM {panelizer_entity}\n WHERE contexts LIKE 's:%'\n OR relationships LIKE 's:%'\n OR extra LIKE 's:%'", 0, $limit);
// Loop over each record.
foreach ($records as $record) {
// Track whether this entity needs to be fixed.
$entity_updated = FALSE;
// Get each {panelizer_record} for this entity.
$entity_records = db_query("SELECT *\n FROM {panelizer_entity}\n WHERE entity_type = :entity_type\n AND entity_id = :entity_id\n ORDER BY revision_id", (array) $record);
foreach ($entity_records as $panelizer) {
$last_display = NULL;
// Unserialize each of the serialized values.
foreach (array(
) as $val) {
$panelizer->{$val} = unserialize($panelizer->{$val});
// Keep track of whether the record needs to be saved.
$panelizer_updated = FALSE;
// Verify each of the items is an array or if it was double-serialized.
foreach (array(
) as $val) {
if (is_string($panelizer->{$val})) {
$panelizer->{$val} = unserialize($panelizer->{$val});
$panelizer_updated = TRUE;
$entity_updated = TRUE;
// Update the {panelizer_entity} record.
if ($panelizer_updated) {
'contexts' => serialize($panelizer->contexts),
'relationships' => serialize($panelizer->relationships),
'extra' => serialize($panelizer->extra),
->condition('entity_type', $panelizer->entity_type)
->condition('entity_id', $panelizer->entity_id)
->condition('revision_id', $panelizer->revision_id)
->condition('view_mode', $panelizer->view_mode)
// The entity was updated so clear its cache.
if ($entity_updated) {
$sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['progress'] >= $sandbox['max'] ? TRUE : $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max'];
return t('Fixed {panelizer_entity} records for @count entities out of @total total.', array(
'@count' => $sandbox['progress'],
'@total' => $sandbox['max'],