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function hook_panelizer_operations_alter in Panelizer 7.3

Add operations to Panelizer objects.

Operations can be performed on panelizer defaults as well as entities. Panelizer provides the 4 default operations, but modules can add additional operations to add additional functionality.

Data can be stored in $panelizer->extra which is a serialized array. Modules should be sure to namespace their keys in this extra to avoid collisions.

Each operation supports the following keys:

  • 'menu title': The title to use in menu tab entries. This will be translated by the menu system, so do not t() it.
  • 'link title': The title to use in links. This will not be translated by the menu system, so t() it. In Drupal, the link title is typically in lower case when the tab would be in upper case, so this will not quite match the menu title.
  • 'entity callback': If not using the normal operation hook on the object, put this may be a function callback. It will receive the following args: $handler, $js, $input, $entity, $view_mode.
  • 'admin callback': The callback to use when editing a panelizer default. It will receive the following arguments: $handler, $bundle, $name, $view_mode.
  • 'file path': A 'file path' entry to be used for hook_menu entries.
  • 'file': A 'file' entry to be used for hook_menu entries.
1 invocation of hook_panelizer_operations_alter()
panelizer_operations in ./panelizer.module
Return list of operations.


./panelizer.api.php, line 43
Documentation for Panelizer's hooks.


function hook_panelizer_operations_alter(&$operations) {
  $operations['example'] = array(
    'menu title' => 'Example',
    'link title' => t('example'),
    'entity callback' => 'mymodule_panelizer_example_entity_page',
    'admin callback' => 'mymodule_panelizer_example_admin_page',